(See Antioxidants: Natural Antioxidants; Synthetic
Antioxidants; Synthetic Antioxidants, Characteriza-
tion and Analysis; Role of Antioxidant Nutrients in
Defence Systems; Cancer: Epidemiology; Carcino-
gens in the Food Chain; Coronary Heart Disease:
Etiology and Risk Factor; Pregnancy: Maternal Diet,
Vitamins, and Neural Tube Defects; Vitamin B
Properties, and Determination.)
Classification and properties
0007 A number of factors can make the identification and
classification of vitamins difficult: (1) a vitamin can
exist in a number of different structures with similar,
or different, biological activities; (2) the biological
activity is organism-dependent; (3) the physiologic-
ally or metabolically active form of a vitamin
in vivo may be different from that found in food
(e.g., B vitamins are active in coenzyme forms; 1,25-
dihydroxycholecalciferol is the active form of vitamin
; (4) several forms of the same vitamin can inter-
convert during extraction (e.g., pyridoxine, pyri-
doxamine, pyridoxal, and their phosphorylated
derivatives; and (5) synthetic forms of a vitamin are
often available commercially in a more stable form,
e.g., a-tocopherol acetate and retinol acetate are more
stable compared with the free vitamins and are con-
verted to the letter in the body.
0008 Vitamins are generally classified by their solubility
characteristics into fat-soluble and water-soluble
groups. A full list of vitamins, forms, functions, and
health benefits is given in Table 1. The fat-soluble
vitamins (A, E, D
, and K, and carotenoids) are de-
rived from the isoprenoid pathway, whereas the syn-
thesis of the water-soluble vitamins (B
C, biotin, niacin, and pantothenic acid) is much less
connected, and several of them have multiple bio-
synthetic pathways. Other ‘vitamin-like’ compounds
are sometimes associated with the classical vitamin
compounds. These include vitamins F (essential fatty
acids), L (o-aminobenzoic acid), P (bioflavonoids),
U(l-methioninylmethylsulfonium chloride), and
(orotic acid), choline, a-lipoic acid, myoinositol,
plastoquinone, pyrroloquinoline quinone, and ubi-
quinones. Refer to individual vitamins.
0009 During the early years of vitamin discovery, their
chemical composition was largely unknown and were
each assigned a letter of the alphabet for convenience.
This was further complicated when it was found that
the activity attributed to a single vitamin was, in some
instances, the result of a combination of several vita-
mins, e.g., B-complex vitamins. Once a vitamin had
been isolated from a food and its chemical structure
determined, variations in the structure were found
within compounds having the same vitamin activity
but in different species. A system of numerical sub-
scripts was therefore adopted to overcome this prob-
lem, e.g., D
and D
0010In order to simplify the system, letters were some-
times replaced with names, e.g., thiamin (vitamin B
riboflavin (B
), pantothenic acid (B
) and biotin (vita-
min H), based on the chemical structure of a specific
function or source. ‘Thiamin’ contains the prefix ‘thi,’
which is derived from the Greek word for sulfur, and
refers to its sulfur content. ‘Riboflavin’ indicates the
chemical structure and is derived from the chemical
names ‘ribose’ (a pentose sugar) and ‘flavin’ (a het-
erocyclic ketone). ‘Pantothenic acid’ is derived from
the Greek word pantos, meaning ‘found everywhere.’
‘Biotin’ originates from the German word haut,
meaning skin, as this vitamin protects the skin.
Occurrence in Food
0011One of the main differences between fat- and water-
soluble vitamins is their distribution in biological
tissues. The water-soluble vitamins are found in all
living tissues, whereas the fat-soluble vitamins are
completely absent from some tissues. Vitamins A
and D occur widely in plant tissues in the form of a
provitamin. Similarly, the amino acid tryptophan can
be converted into nicotinic acid in the body. Although
it is generally assumed that sufficient amounts of
vitamins can be absorbed from a balanced diet for
normal requirements, the use of vitamin supplements,
either as single compounds or in multivitamin prod-
ucts, is widely consumed. The major vitamin forms
found in foods, some commercial forms, and some
examples of rich food sources, are given in Table 2.
Nutritional Aspects
0012Vitamins are required in trace amounts in the diet for
the maintenance of optimal health, growth, and re-
production. Deficiency symptoms will occur if a
single vitamin is omitted from a diet of a species
that requires it. Many of the vitamins act as coen-
zymes, whereas others have no single role but
perform certain essential functions. A list of known
functions for each vitamin is given in Table 1. Vita-
min requirements based on metabolic needs are simi-
lar for animals and humans, but dietary needs widely
among species. (See Coenzymes.)
0013The recommended intakes of nutrients, including
vitamins, are intended as daily intake guidelines for
preventing deficiencies and maintaining body re-
serves among healthy individuals. The values are de-
rived from studies on volunteers on nutrient balance
studies, measures of tissue saturation, normal vitamin
intakes in the general population, and extrapolation
VITAMINS/Overview 6047