strong ultraviolet (UV) absorbance properties. Most
LC procedures use UV aborbance between 320 and
380 nm for detection. Fluorescence (excitation:
320 nm, emission 470 nm) is an excellent detection
mode for retinol and retinyl esters. Carotenoids
absorb strongly in the visible region due to the long
conjugated double-bond system. For b-carotene,
450 nm is universally used for detection. Variable
wavelength, programmable UV/visible and photo-
diode array detectors have greatly aided the chroma-
tographic study of complex, natural carotenoid
mixtures characteristic of fruit and vegetable samples.
Vitamin D
0018 Vitamin D analysis of nonfortified foods is difficult
due to the low concentration and the relatively poor
spectral properties of the vitamin. Both normal- and
reversed-phase LC efficiently resolve vitamin D
previtamins, and hydroxylated metabolites if prop-
erly prepared extracts are available. Excellent
methods that use competitive protein binding assays
(CPBA) or radioreceptor assays (RRA) using (
metabolites are available for analysis of biological
matrices. These methods use extensive prepurifica-
tion of extracts by LC or solid-phase chromatog-
raphy. CPBA and RRA are specific and sensitive
enough to measure circulating levels of hydroxylated
vitamin D metabolites; however, the methods have
not been applied to food analysis. Radioimmune
assay with
I-labeled metabolites is used extensively
in clinical chemistry.
0019 Provided the extraction protocol provides an
extract that meets the detection limits of the assay,
reversed-phase LC with UV detection at 265 nm is
useful as the determinative assay. More recent
methods applicable to food analysis incorporate pre-
parative LC for sample clean-up and concentration
prior to LC resolution on C-18.
Vitamin E
0020 Vitamin E exists in nature as eight closely related
compounds (a-, b-, g-, d-tocopherols and correspond-
ing tocotrienols). Normal-phase LC on silica resolves
the eight vitamin forms. Reversed-phase LC cannot
resolve the b- and g-positional isomers; therefore,
most methods for food analysis use normal-phase
LC. Detection does not pose a problem because of
the strong fluorescence exhibited by the chromanol
family. a-Tocopheryl acetate is normally used for
food fortification. This compound is much more
stable than a-tocopherol and possesses much less
native fluorescence. However, highly sensitive fluor-
escence detectors that are now readily available can
quantify a-tocopheryl acetate at the levels that are
commonly used for food fortification.
Vitamin K
0021Methods for vitamin K analysis of foods use a com-
bination of adsorption chromatography for sample
clean-up, and reversed-phase LC on C-18 supports
for the quantification. Mobile phases are simple, iso-
cratic systems of methanol modified with dichloro-
methane. The mobile-phase composition depends on
the detection mode. If electrochemical detection is
used, an electrolyte must be added to the mobile
phase to provide for conductivity. More commonly,
vitamin K compounds are converted from the quin-
one form to the highly fluorescent hydroquinone
form by postcolumn zinc metal reduction. This con-
version allows the use of fluorescence for detection.
The instability of vitamin K at alkaline pH dictates
that saponification cannot be used for extraction.
Because lipids must be removed from vitamin K ex-
tracts before reversed-phase LC, novel lipid removal
procedures have been developed for vitamin K extrac-
tion. Recent methods (Table 4) use lipase hydrolysis
followed by solid-phase extraction to provide a suit-
able concentrated extract for LC resolution.
Multianalyte Procedures for Fat-soluble
Vitamin Analysis
0022Historically, fat-soluble vitamin analysis of foods
has been difficult due to methodology deficiencies
of poor detector sensitivity, poor precision due to
interferences, and labor intensiveness of the methods.
Technological advances in detectors and LC instru-
mentation together with research on extraction
methods for the fat-soluble vitamins from foods
have led to the availability of methods with improved
precision, specificity, and sensitivity. These improve-
ments have led to the development of multianalyte
approaches for fat-soluble vitamin analysis that are
especially useful for the analysis of foods fortified
with combinations of the fat-soluble vitamins. Such
methods, when incorporated into the laboratory an-
alysis program, can save a great deal of time and
present significant cost savings.
0023A recent multianalyte approach developed in our
laboratory at the University of Georgia is presented
to show the analytical power of multianalyte analysis.
The procedure is capable of simultaneously assaying,
retinol, retinyl palmitate, retinyl acetate, b-carotene,
natural vitamin E, and a-tocopheryl acetate. In this
method, the vitamins are extracted in 2-propanol
and hexane without saponification. Quantification is
by normal-phase LC with fluorescence detection of
retinol, the retinyl esters, a-tocopheryl acetate and
the vitamin E alcohols. b-Carotene is quantified at
450 nm. Fluorescence and photodiode array detectors
6066 VITAMINS/Determination