for individual amino acids. Typically, individual
amino acid concentrations are twice as high in fetal
as in maternal plasma. Current understanding of the
mechanisms responsible for this relates to the distri-
bution of the membrane transport proteins between
the two faces of the trophoblast and in particular to
the distribution of sodium-coupled transporters that
are found predominantly (although not exclusively)
in the brush border. Recent work using isolated mem-
branes that reseal to form artificial structures (ves-
icles) has been useful in establishing the numbers and
properties of such transporters. In addition to the
direct effect of sodium ions in moving amino acids
into the trophoblast across the brush-border mem-
brane against a concentration gradient, these trans-
porters are often electrogenic and are thus also driven
physiologically by the membrane potential. One
example of such a process is the transport system
called ‘A,‘ which uses alanine, serine, and proline
as transported substrates and accumulates these
amino acids in the trophoblast against a concentra-
tion gradient. These amino acids then leave the
trophoblast across the basal membrane by a different
transport system. Other amino acids may be trans-
ported via tertiary active transport; for example, leu-
cine is found in higher concentrations in fetal plasma
than in maternal plasma, but it is not itself a substrate
for sodium-coupled transport; rather, it appears to
exchange with amino acids, such as alanine, that
have been accumulated in the trophoblast as just
0005 The cationic and anionic amino acids are unusual
in that, having their own charge, they will be acceler-
ated or retarded by the membrane potential in cross-
ing each of the plasma membrane surfaces of the
trophoblast. For cationic amino acids (lysine, argin-
ine, histidine), entry into the placenta appears to be
largely by system y
-independent), whereas exit
into the fetus involves an electroneutral system (y
which exchanges the cationic amino acid for a neutral
amino acid (e.g., leucine) and a sodium ion, thus
effectively solving the problem of permitting posi-
tively charged amino acids to exit against an inside-
negative membrane potential. For anionic amino
acids (glutamate and aspartate), very high intratro-
phoblast concentrations are achieved by a transport
system that is coupled to K
efflux as well as Na
entry. Essential amino acid requirements for the fetus
are different from those of adults. However, it is not
clear whether transport of specific amino acids across
the placenta ever becomes rate-limiting for fetal
growth. In the human, intrauterine growth retard-
ation not associated with other disease has been
shown to be associated with reduced placental deliv-
ery of amino acids through specific systems, e.g.,
associated with decreased function of system A. IGF
(insulin-like growth factor) and IGFBP (insulin-like
growth factor binding protein) are now recognized as
having an important role in either normal or abnor-
mal fetal growth via controlling placental amino
acids and glucose transport (e.g., IGF-I (insulin-like
growth factor-1) selectively enhances system A activ-
ity). In certain unusual metabolic disorders (e.g., ma-
ternal phenylketonuria (PKU)) maternal levels of one
particular amino acid may be elevated; this results in
competition between this amino acid and others that
share the same transporters. Some of the abnormal-
ities found in the developing babies of such mothers
may be a consequence of nutritional deprivation of
tyrosine, for example, owing to competition by raised
maternal phenylalanine levels for the delivery of this
amino acid across the placenta. The fact that amino
acid transport across the placenta involves a family
of transport proteins with overlapping substrate
(amino acid) specificities means that the nutritional
consequences for the fetus of changing the level of
one amino acid in the mother will be complex.
This follows because, in contrast to placental glucose
transporters, the K
and V
of the amino acid
transporters are relatively low.
0006Lipid transport across the placenta in relation to
human nutrition has been studied less rigorously,
in part because it is likely to be perfusion- rather
than membrane-limited, since the lipid-soluble nature
of such a substrate allows ready transmembrane
transport. Nutritionally, the nervous system of the
developing fetus requires substrate delivery of precur-
sors for myelin synthesis. Studies suggest that placen-
tal binding proteins may provide a pool of essential
fatty acids for fetal utilization. (See Amino Acids:
Metabolism; Fatty Acids: Metabolism.)
0007Transport of the inorganic cations of sodium and
potassium involves both channels and transporters.
Sodium transport into the trophoblast is coupled to
the entry of those solutes (which include both organic
and inorganic molecules) powered by secondary
active transport. The extrusion of sodium across the
basal surface of the trophoblast is likely to be a result
of sodium pumping by Na
ATPase activity. In
contrast, potassium, accumulated in the trophoblast,
as in other epithelia by the sodium pump, requires
channel-mediated release to account for its move-
ments between mother and baby. Potassium channels
have recently been shown to be sensitive to modula-
tion in this tissue (e.g., by G proteins, by arachidonic
acid, and by pH). These regulatory factors may them-
selves be controlled by circulating factors in both
mother and fetus. It is clear that fetal plasma potas-
sium is carefully regulated by control of placental
transport of this cation.
4730 PREGNANCY/Role of Placenta in Nutrient Transfer