and could inhibit starters if present at sufficiently high
0046 Nonadherence to the time/temperature regimes of
the cheesemaking process can also affect acidifica-
tion, e.g., overscalding by 1–2
C in Cheddar cheese-
making would cause significant slowing of the rate of
acidification for a culture containing predominantly
Lc. lactis ssp. cremoris strains.
0047 Phage is probably the most important destructive
agent in cheesemaking. Phage is found in milk and
can lie dormant (lysogenic state) within some wild
type and starter LABs. These are viruses with a
hollow protein head containing DNA and a hollow
protein tail with a plate assembly at the end. Phage
attack LAB by attaching themselves to the bacterial
surface by means of the plate assembly, injecting their
DNA through the tail and into the host cell; once
inside, their DNA directs the host to produce more
phage particles, and, when mature (30–50 min), lysin
is produced to dissolve the bacterial cell wall and
release the new phage; up to 200 particles can be
produced in one such cycle (in the same time span,
one LAB cell would have divided to give two cells).
Phage are present in most, if not all, cheesemaking
plants, and it is only through the use of good manu-
facturing practices and hygiene control, together
with the selection of suitable LAB, that phage is
maintained at low, noninvasive levels. Culture tech-
niques aimed at reducing/eliminating phage prob-
lems, which have already been touched on in this
article, include:
0048 selection of naturally resistant strains;
0049 genetic modification (e.g., plasmid transfer),
where legally permitted;
0050 blending several phage resistant/unrelated strains;
0051 use of culture rotation, three or four blends (a
different blend used on different days);
0052 inclusion of Sc. thermophilus in mesophilic blends
(used in Cheddar technology).
See also: Lactic Acid Bacteria; Starter Cultures; Yeasts
Further Reading
Cogan TM and Hill C (1993) Cheese starter cultures. In:
Fox PF (ed.) Cheese Chemistry Physics and Microbiol-
ogy, vol. 1, pp. 193–255. London: Chapman & Hall.
Davies FL and Law BA (eds) (1984) Advances in the Micro-
biology and Biochemistry of Cheese and Fermented
Milk. Barking, UK: Elsevier Applied Science.
Gasson MJ and de Vos WM (eds) (1994) Genetics and
Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria. London: Chap-
man & Hall.
Salminen S and von Wright A (eds) (1993) Lactic Acid
Bacteria. New York: Marcel Dekker.
Stanley G (1998) Microbiology of fermented milk products.
In: Early R (ed.) The Technology of Dairy Products,
pp. 2–80. London: Chapman & Hall.
Tamime AY (1983) Microbiology of starter cultures. In:
Robinson RK (ed.) Dairy Microbiology, vol. 2, pp.
113–156. Barking, UK: Applied Science.
Chemistry of Gel Formation
J M Banks and D S Horne, Hannah Research
Institute, Ayr, UK
Copyright 2003, Elsevier Science Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
0001The basic ingredient for cheese is milk, usually from
cows, sheep, or goats, although the milk of yak, rein-
deer, camels, mares, and buffaloes is also used in
local, indigenous products in some regions of the
world. In nature, milk is produced by the mother
mammal to feed her newborn offspring; milk, there-
fore, has to provide all elements essential for their
growth and nourishment, namely protein, fat, carbo-
hydrate, minerals, and water, but in proportions rele-
vant to the needs of the animal species. Recognizing
the nutritional benefits, man initially sought to pre-
serve this fundamental food for the lean times of low
milk availability. Cheese manufacture, which retains
the majority of the protein, fat, and some of the
minerals, provides one such outcome of this exercise
of his ingenuity, with a wide range of products to suit
all tastes and desires in the modern portfolio of the
cheesemaker’s art.
0002Cheesemaking capitalizes on the curdling of milk.
Curds can be produced by either acidification of
milk to pH 4.6 or the use of a protease in conjunction
with acidification to pH 6.4. The former method is
used to produce fresh high-moisture cheeses, e.g.,
cottage cheese, and the curd is formed by the isoelec-
tric precipitation of milk casein. The latter approach
is the basis for producing hard ripened cheeses, such
as Cheddar, Emmental, or Parmesan, which have a
low moisture content. Gel formation is initiated by
proteolysis of casein, and the destabilized casein ag-
gregates to form a gel. The gel produced at the higher
pH using a protease differs markedly from that pro-
duced by acid alone. The gel is more elastic, and in the
presence of increasing acidity and the application
of heat, the gel shrinks and expels moisture by a
process termed syneresis. To understand the process
of curd formation, we must look more closely at the
individual components of milk to discern their role,
1056 CHEESES/Chemistry of Gel Formation