red, a large Kerr rotation in the 2–3 eV region is
considered optimal. Since the Kerr rotation is
proportional to the off-diagonal elements of the con-
ductivity tensor, which increase with spin–orbit
interaction, materials with large magnetic anisotropy
are also likely to have a large Kerr rotation for some
energy of incident light (Oppeneer 1998). However,
the fact that the Kerr rotation should be large in the
3 eV region has made Fe/Pt and Co/Pt intermetallics
of particular interest.
The magnitude of the Kerr rotation for transition
metal compounds rarely exceeds 0.51, but for Heusler
alloys, particularly the half-metallic ferromagnets
XMnSb (X ¼Ni, Pd, Pt), it can have higher values
(see Half-metallic Magnetism). Calculations, which
are in good agreement with experiment, for PtMnSb
yield a Kerr rotation of over 11 at 1.6 eV (Ebert
1996). The Kerr rotation for actinide compounds,
where the 5f state spin–orbit interaction is large, can
reach several degrees (Oppeneer et al. 1998). Mag-
netic multilayers possessing perpendicular anisotropy
are excellent candidates for recording materials since,
apart from the fact that they yield a polar Kerr effect,
the magnetic layers may be tailored. Here theoretical
predictions are most useful, and extensive investiga-
tions of, for example, multilayers of the type nA/mB
(A ¼Fe, Co and B ¼Cu, Ag, Au, Pd, and Pt) have
been made (see Magneto-optics: Inter- and Intraband
Transitions, Microscopic Models of ).
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Density Functional Theory: Magnetism