97 foreign words used in everyday conversation
Lesson 5 • Marge is the biggest klutz!
translation: Every time I walk into my
manager’s office, he gives me
strange looks and everything he
says has a double meaning.
“real speak”: Ev’ry time I walk inda my
manager’s office, he gives me
strange looks ’n ev’rything ’e says
has a duh-b’l ahn-tahn-druh.
Note: Strangely enough, the expression
double entendre does not even
exist in French! Americans simply
invented it. Instead, the French
simply say double sens, literally
meaning “double sense.”
echelon n. (pronounced: eh-shah-lahn) level of
authority or management in a business.
example: My company cut half its staff this
year but the upper echelon got
huge bonuses.
translation: My company cut half its staff this
year but the upper level of
management got huge bonuses.
“real speak”: My comp’ny cut half its staff this
year b’t the upper eh-shah-
lahn ’ev officers got huge
eclair n. (pronounced: ee-klair) a narrow pastry
filled with custard and topped with chocolate
example: My favorite pastry is an eclair.
I like to eat the ends off first, then
eat my way toward the middle
where I’ll find the most custard.
My favorite pastry is a narrow
pastry filled with custard
and topped with chocolate
icing. I like to eat the ends off
first then, eat my way toward the
middle where I’ll find the most
“real speak”: My fav’rit pastry’s ’n ee-klair.
I like ta eat the enz off first, th’n
eat my way tord the middle
where a’ll fin’ the mos’ custard.
elite (pronounced: ee-leet) • 1. n. the highest
class of people • 2. adj. specially selected as
the best.
example 1: Only the elite attended the
opening night of the opera.
translation: Only the highest class of
people attended the opening
night of the opera.
“real speak”: Only the ee-leed attended the
opening night ’a the op’ra.
example 2: An elite group of performers
was invited to contribute to the
opening of the new performing
arts building.
translation: A specially selected group of
performers was invited to
contribute to the opening of the
new performing arts building.
“real speak”: An ee-leet group ’a performers
w’z invided ta contribute ta the
opening ’a the new performing
arts building.
en route exp. (pronounced: on root) on the way.
example: We were en route to the airport
when I remembered that I left
the plane tickets at home!
translation: We were on the way to the
airport when I remembered that
I left the plane tickets at home!
“real speak”: We were on root ta the airport
wh’n I remembered th’d I left the
plane tickets ’it home!
ennui n. (pronounced: on-wee) boredom,
weariness and discontent.
example: Nothing interests me anymore.
I’m filled with complete ennui.