The Utility Function Method for Behaviour Selection in Autonomous Robots 137
add the appropriate behaviours to the repertoire and then generate a behaviour
selection system.
Actions, by themselves, are more of a means to an end, even though there are
special cases where a behaviour simply consists of a single action; an example is
the stop behaviour which can be implemented as the single action move forward,
with the set speed v equal to zero.
The topic of behaviour selection has been considered by many authors. In fact, in
reviewing the literature, one may wonder why such a large number of different
behaviour selection methods have been suggested. One possible reason might be the
fact that unlike, say, physics or chemistry, in the topic of behaviour selection, there
are no fundamental limitations on the methods and procedures that can be
proposed. Of course, any motion of a robot will always follow the laws of physics,
but the robotic brain need not have any counterpart in biology, chemistry or
physics. In short, anything goes. A full review of the many behaviour selection
methods suggested in the literature is beyond the scope of this chapter. Instead, a
brief (and probably biased) list of examples will be given, which hopefully can
then act as a guide to the literature.
Early examples of behaviour selection methods include the subsumption method
[9], activation networks [10] and the potential field method [11]. A method based
on dynamical systems theory was suggested by Bergener and Steinhager [8]. The
use of emotions in robotic decision-making has also been considered for instance by
Gadanho and Hallam [12]. The biological foundation of behaviour selection (and,
to some extent, its application in robotics) has been considered by McFarland [13,
14] and more recently in Bryson, Prescott and Seth [15]. Surveys of behaviour
selection can be found in Pirjanian [2] and Bryson [5].
Two important drawbacks with many (if not most) behaviour selection methods
are the lack of generality and the need for parameter tuning. A loss of generality
may occur if, for example, the user is required to specify, in detail, the interactions
(activation or suppression, say) between different behaviours for a particular
problem. Whenever a new problem is considered, the entire procedure may have to
be repeated again from the beginning.
Also, as pointed out in, for instance, Wahde [3] and Blumberg [7], even if only
parameter tuning is required, it is often very difficult to manually set the
parameters of the behaviour selection system in an appropriate way. In fact, the
motivations behind the development of the UF method have been to limit the
amount of manual parameter tuning and to provide a behaviour selection method
with general applicability, i.e., one that is not developed within the framework of
one particular problem.
9.3 The Concept of Utility
Rational decision-making has been studied thoroughly in ethology (and, more
recently, in robotics [3, 14]). The theory of rational decision-making was formalised