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previously possible using hand-held instruments. Integrated with an image-guided
system, the computer software enables the robot’s trajectories to be planned based
on preoperative CT (computed tomography) /MRI (magnetic resonance imaging)
images before movements to the desired target are executed. Due to the high
stiffness of the robotic structure and the reliable performance of the computer-
based controller, robots have a huge potential in providing steady positioning,
accurate guidance, and intra-operative localisation capabilities. This allows
complex surgical interventions which usually require very high accuracy for
delicate tool manipulation to be carried out very effectively. Currently, accuracy
in surgical tool manipulation is much superior to that in the last decade. Based on
a well-defined preoperative planning and computer-guided control strategy, robots
can perform surgical tasks such as, inserting a needle, cutting and drilling into
bone with submillimetre accuracy [3].
Another application that has shown to be successfully enhanced through the
introduction of robotics is minimally invasive surgery (MIS) (also called keyhole
surgery). Before the arrival of medical robots in this field, surgeons faced many
difficulties in performing procedures during MIS, including reduced dexterity of
the surgical tools, reversal of directions in vivo due to the fulcrum effect created
by the constraint of the small insertion holes (trocar ports) and the inability to
directly visualise the operative site in 3D. Moreover, sensing the tool-tissue
interaction remotely (i.e., outside the body) is severely impaired by the friction of
the tool insertion port, inertia of the tool shaft, and reaction forces between tool
shaft and the insertion port.
Master-slave robotic systems, such as the Zeus
Surgical System from
Computer Motion, Inc., and the da Vinci
Surgical System from Intuitive
Surgical, Inc., have been introduced to solve some of these problems by
incorporating multiple degrees of freedom at the surgical tool tip and providing the
surgeon with a more intuitive control interface. As a consequence, the 7-degrees
of freedom available to the human operator (x,y,z translation; roll, pitch, yaw
rotation and grip) are replicated by the robot in vivo. However, because current
robotic systems do not have interaction force sensing capabilities, the learning
curve for performing delicate procedures such as suturing and knot-tying increases
significantly. Additionally, the surgeon loses the ability to perform organ
palpation for the detection of abnormalities including tumours, nerves, vessels or
other tissue stiffness variations, a practice commonly conducted during open
To overcome the problems introduced by this lack of force feedback, various
sensing techniques have been developed to detect tissue interaction forces and
transfer the force sensing information to the surgeon [4]. This paper provides an
overview of emerging tool-tissue force sensing methods and recently developed
force sensor prototypes, and then discusses applications of force sensing in
medical robotic applications including haptic feedback and soft tissue
identification via tissue-tool interaction.