Multi-mode Operations Marine Robotic Vehicle – a Mechatronics Case Study 119
features, architecture and implementation issues are described in a compact way.
The MMRRC is building a flexible multi-mode of operation survey vehicle
(thrusted pontoon/ROV) for surface and underwater operations based on the
technologies and the architecture proposed in this chapter.
The vehicle has been designed with operational flexibility as a key criterion for
high-resolution near-seabed survey from shallow and inshore coastal waters out to
the continental shelf edge. The vehicle can be operated in surface deployment
mode either as a towed platform or as a thrusted pontoon. With the release of
buoyancy modules, the vehicle becomes neutrally buoyant and is operated as a
survey class ROV depth rated to 1,000 m.
Special features of the system include deployment system interoperability with
interchangeable winch and umbilical systems for both small inshore boats and
larger research vessel deployment in offshore operations. The vehicle has many
other advanced features to allow near-intervention/near-seabed operation,
including fault tolerant thruster control, novel high frequency sonar enabling at-
seabed operation and onboard electronics and computer control enabling real-time
reaction to environmental change/disturbance. The vehicle is also deployed,
operated and pilot controlled with a topside augmented reality system, giving a
pilot interface benefiting from virtual environment enhancement of the real world
operating scenario. The first sea test trials are expected to be performed in Winter
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