Venus 202
Venus and Adonis (Shakespeare)
Vercelli Book 217
Vespasian (emperor of Rome) 149, 241,
Vessantara, Prince 146
Vesta 203
Victory Odes (Pindar) 236
Vidal, Peire 317–318
contemporaries of 319
literary criticism on 318
on love 312
Viga Glum’s Saga 269–270
Vigna, Peitro della. See Vigne, Pier
Vigne, Pier delle 167, 318–319
Vikings, characteristics of 269
Vikramorvashe (Kalidasa) 154
Vili 204
Villehardouin, Geoffroi de 80, 190,
Villon, François 190, 263, 267, 313
Vineis, Petrus de. See Vigne, Pier delle
Viracocha 199
Virgil 320–322
adaptations of 124–125
contemporaries of 32, 134, 172,
influence of 168, 172, 174, 175,
189, 229, 269, 320
influences on 18, 63, 96, 127, 202,
literary criticism on 12, 176, 227,
themes of 93, 172
works by 97, 132
works on 84, 135
Vishnu 256, 316
Vishnu Purana 251
Visions (Hadewijch) 118
Visnu Sarma 230
La vita nuova (Dante) 83
“Vita Springs” 331
“The Vixen and the Hedgehog”
(Aesop) 7
Vogelweide, Walther von der. See
Walther von der Vogelweide
Volsunga Saga 95, 269
Voltaire (François-Marie Arouet)
on Crusades 81
literary criticism on 150,
“The Voyage of the Argo” (Apollonius
of Rhodes) 17–18
Voyages to the Sun and Moon
(Bergerac) 176
Vulcan 203
Vyasa 251
Wace (Norman-French poet) 67, 219
Wagner, Richard 95, 131, 203, 212, 270,
309, 331
waikan narratives 299, 323, 331
waka. See Tanka
Wakefield Master 197
Wales, mythology of 199–202
Walther von der Vogelweide 324
The Wanderer 219
Wang Anshi 74, 291, 324–325
Wang Maoyuan 171
Wang Shifu 325–326
Wang Wei 325, 326–327
War against Jugurtha (Sallust) 271
Warner, Edmond 278
The War of the Sons of Light against the
Sons of Darkness 89
“The Washing Stream” (Li Qingzhao)
Wasps (Aristophanes) 20
The Waste Land (Eliot) 131
“Watching a Village Festival” (Yang
Wanli) 335
“Watching the Reapers” (Bai) 38
“Water Music Prelude” (Su Shi) 291
Watson, Burton 122, 292
“Ways and Means” (Xenophon) 333
“The Way Things Are” (Lucretius)
Wei Chuang. See Wei Zhuang
Wei Zhuang 297, 327
The Well of Life (Ibn Gabirol) 138–139
Wenebajo 215
Wenis (pharoah of Egypt) 53
Weston, Jessie 130
“The Whale” 44
“When the Days Are Long in May”
(Jaufré Rudel) 146
Whiston, William 149
White, T. H. 68, 131
White Book of Rhydderch 201
“The White Dawn of the Hopi” 314
Whitehead, Alfred North 239
White Mountain Apache myths and
tales 224, 327–329
“The Wife of Bath’s Tale” (Chaucer) 68
The Wife’s Lament 219
Wilde, Oscar 233
Wilhelm, James 43–44, 147
Willehalm (Wolfram von Eschenbach)
William (duke of Normandy) 189
William IX (count of Poitiers and duke
of Aquitaine) 312
William of England (Chrétien de Troyes)
Williams, Charles 131
“Willow Branch” (Li Shangyin) 171
The Wine Song in Classical Arabic Poetry
(Kennedy) 298
waikan narratives 299, 323, 331
worak narratives 299, 323, 331
“Winter Evening” (Alcaeus) 10
Wit and Wisdom from West Africa
(Burton) 9
Wittgenstein, Ludwig 339
Wolfram von Eschenbach 329–331
contemporaries of 329
influence of 131
influences on 68, 115, 131
literary criticism on 329–331
medieval romance and 258
works by 65, 131
The Woman of Samos (Menander) 188
in Norse mythology 205
role and status of
in ancient Arab culture 33,
in ancient China 170
in ancient India 156
in ancient Japan 194–195
in Byzantium 16
in classical Greece 102
in Middle Ages 66, 94, 119,
129, 190, 258
in 19th-century Britain 156
trobaritz 93–94
The Women of Trachis (Sophocles) 286
Wooing of Étáin 200
worak narratives 299, 323, 331
Wordsworth, William 306, 322
Works and days (Hesiod) 127
The World of Bede (Blair) 41
Worthington, Ian 90
Written Torah 294–295
“Written While Traveling through the
Western Suburbs” (Li Shangyin) 171
Wu (emperor of China) 337
Wulf and Eadwacer 219
wuwei 165
Xanthippe 281
The Xenia (Martial) 186
Xenophon 332–334
contemporaries of 332
influences on 308
literary criticism on 173, 174, 333
works by 281–282
Xiao Dezao 335
Xie Ling-yun 334
Xixiangji (Wang Shifu) 325–326
Xuanzhong (emperor of China) 168
Xu Hiaxin 326
Index 397