The Choephori (Aeschylus) 5
Chopinel, Jean. See Jean de Meun
Chrétien de Troyes 67–69
influence of 68, 115, 124, 131, 329
influences on 201, 311
and medieval romance 190, 258
works by 65–66, 130–131
Christ and Satan 217
converts to 29, 30–31
critics of 248
Crusades and 79–81
Holy Grail and 130
influence of 65, 124
influences on 249
Middle Ages and 189
in Roman Empire 243
spread of 79, 86, 109, 152, 157
Christine de Pisan
influence of 190
influences on 261
on women 66
Chronicle (Apollodorus) 17
Chronicle (Jean de Joinville) 80
Chubb, Thomas Caldecot 14–15
Ch’u Elegies. See Qu Elegies
Ch`ü Yüan. See Qu Yuan
ci (poetry) 171, 291, 327
Cicero, Marcus Tullius 69–71
contemporaries of 130, 299
influence of 29, 30, 167, 242,
influences on 23, 101, 302
literary criticism by 125
literary criticism on 12
opinions expressed by 173
translations of 167
works on 177, 245
Le Cid (Corneille) 72
Cid, El 71–73, 190
Cid Campeador. See Cid, El
City of God (Augustine) 30, 31
City of Night (Rechy) 233
Civil War (Lucan) 175–176
Clare of Assisi, Saint 107
Clarissa (Richardson) 66
Clarke, Howard W. 133–134
classical epics 97
Claudius (emperor of Rome)
contemporaries of 234
influences on 172
reign of 275
works on 294
Clement of Alexandria 174
Cleon of Athens 20, 308
Cleopatra 92
Cligés (Chrétien de Troyes) 68
“The Cloud Messenger” (Kalidasa)
Clouds (Aristophanes) 20, 282
“The Cock and the Pearl” (Phaedrus)
Codicil of Jean de Meun (Jean de Meun)
Coffin Texts 53
Cohen, Abraham 295–296
“Cold is the North” (Li He) 169
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
influences on 6, 306
The Collection for Ten Thousand Ages
Collection of Old and New Japanese
Poems 159
The Colliget (Averroës) 33
Columbus, Christopher 247
The Comedy of Errors (Shakespeare) 240
Commentaries on the Attic Orators
(Dionysius of Halicarnassus) 93
Commentary on the Civil Wars (Caesar)
58, 59
Commentary on the Inca (La Vega) 199
Commentary on the Timaeus (Proclus)
Commentary on the War in Gaul
(Caesar) 57, 58–59, 130
Commodus, Emperor 110
La Compiuta Donzella. See Donzella,
Concerning the Origin and Location of
the Germans (Tacitus) 293
Concerning the Ruin of Britain (Gildas)
Conchobar Mac Nessa (king of Ulster)
The Conference of the Birds (`Atta¯r)
Confessio Amantis (Gower) 261
Confessions (Augustine) 29, 30–31
Confucius 73–75
Book of Songs and 51, 52, 74
contemporaries of 165
influence of 38, 74, 104, 122, 171,
philosophy of 74–75
“A Congratulatory Ode on the Occasion
of the Feast of Sacrifices” (al-
Mutanabbi) 196
Conics (Euclid) 101
Conquest of Constantinople (Robert of
Clari) 80
The Conquest of Gaul (Caesar). See
Commentary on the War in Gaul
La Conquête de Constantinople
(Villehardouin) 319
The Conscious Lovers (Steele) 300
The Consolation of Philosophy
(Boethius) 11, 50–51, 147
Consolation to Helvia (Seneca)
The Conspiracy of Catiline (Sallust)
Constantine (prince of Byzantium)
The Constitution of the Lacedaemonians
(Xenophon) 333
The Constraint of What Is Not
Compulsory (Al-Ma`rrı¯) 181
Contares Mexicanos 209
Continuation of the History of Aufidius
Bassas (Pliny the Elder) 241
Contra academicos (Augustine) 29
Contra Arianos liber unus (Fulgentius)
Convivio (Dante) 83
Cook, Robert 285
Coolidge, Olivia 71, 177, 320
Copley, Frank O. 178–179
Corinna 236
“Corinna’s Going A Maying” (Herrick)
Corneille, Pierre 72, 203
correspondence 38, 70, 93, 104, 243,
Council of Clermont 79, 80
Countess of Dia 312–313
“The Country Mouse and the City
Mouse” (Aesop) 8
courtly love 64–66
and Arthurian romance 65–66, 67,
chivalry and 189
influence of 116, 269, 313, 329
influences on 229
origins of 257
troubadour songs and 146, 311,
works on 43, 147, 259–261, 318
Coward, David 267
“Coyote and Junco” 341
Coyote tales
Hopi 75–77, 205, 313
White Mountain Apache 328
Zuni 299
Cranmer-Byng, L. 227
Crassus 57
“Craven” (Han Yu) 123
creation myths
Finnish 152
Indian 152
Native-American 75, 77–79, 223,
299, 314, 328, 341
Oceanic 205–207
oral tradition and 223
Creation Myths of Primitive America
(Curtin) 78
Crispus, Gaius Sallustius. See Sallust
Cristóbal de Molina 199
Critical-Analytical Studies of Metal and
Stone Inscriptions (Li and Zhao) 170
Index 381