of gravity. Before looking at changes in gravity however, it is helpful to
first understand what gravity is. Gravity is an attractive force between any
two atoms. Let's say you take two golf balls and place them on a table.
There will be an incredibly slight gravitational attraction between the
atoms in those two golf balls. If you use two massive pieces of lead and
some amazingly precise instruments, you can actually measure an
infinitesimal attraction between them. It is only when you get an gigantic
number of atoms together, as in the case of the planet Earth, that the force
of gravitational attraction is significant. The reason why gravity on Earth
never changes is because the mass of the Earth never changes. The only
way to suddenly change the gravity on Earth would be to change the mass
of the planet. A change in mass great enough to result in a change in
gravity isn't going to happen anytime soon.
3. If gravity were to suddenly double, It would be almost as bad, because
everything would be twice as heavy. There would be big problems with
anything structural. Houses, bridges, skyscrapers, table legs, support
columns and so on are all sized for normal gravity. Most structures would
collapse fairly quickly if you doubled the load on them. Trees and plants
would have problems. Power lines would have problems. The air pressure
would double and that would have a big effect on the Earth’s surface.
4. Measuring Earth's weight is derived from the gravitational attraction
that the Earth has for objects near it.
It would be more proper to ask, "What is the mass of planet Earth?"
quick answer to that is: approximately 6,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
(6E+24) kilograms.
The interesting sub-question is, "How did anyone figure that out?" It's not
like the planet steps onto the scale each morning before it takes a shower.
The measurement of the planet's weight is derived from the gravitational
that the Earth has for objects near it.
It turns out that any two masses have a gravitational attraction for one
another. If you put two bowling balls near each other, they will attract one
another gravitationally. The attraction is extremely slight, but if your
instruments are sensitive enough you can measure the gravitational
attraction that two bowling balls have on one another. From that
measurement, you could determine the mass of the two objects. The same
is true for two golf balls, but the attraction is even slighter because the
amount of gravitational force depends on mass of the objects.
Newton showed that, for spherical objects, you can make the simplifying
assumption that all of the object's mass is concentrated at the center of the