2. For geophysical survey it is necessary to take measurements
systematically on land, at sea and in a borehole. When geophysicists
choose the particular methods for the survey they consider
homogeneity of the formation and contrasting properties of rocks.
3. The most use of such rock properties as elasticity, electrical
conductivity, density is made in geophysical survey. To a lesser extent
such property as radioactivity is utilized. Gravitational and magnetic
surveys use natural fields of force. Seismic and electrical methods
necessitate the introduction of some energy into the ground.
4. Many factors such as geological, economic and non-geological ones
determine the choice of particular type of survey. In many instances
geophysicists have to use different methods in combination. Gravity
and airborne magnetics can serve as a preliminary activity for seismic
shooting. Exploration for valuable ore deposits requires considering
results of electromagnetic, magnetic and gravity surveys.
5. We have to consider that geophysical survey costs a lot and does not
give very accurate results. In civil engineering where high accuracy is
required it is better to use exploratory drilling instead. In some cases
where area is large, depth is great and geology is simple, it would be
essential to do geophysical survey. In other instances when the cost of
drilling seems to be too high relative to the cost of geophysics but
penalties of inaccuracy are substantial it may be still cheaper to drill.
Exercise 22. Geophysics is a comprehensive, non-destructive, cost-effective,
efficient, and proven method of exploration. Explain each benefit of
geophysics with your own words.
“Benefits of Geophysics”. Environmental and Engineering Geophysics
offers a unique window into the earth as a means of detecting sub-surface
conditions, and its relevancy lies in the concrete and cost-effective
benefits it delivers. These include:
Comprehensive – Combinations of methods (i.e. multi-disciplinary
methods) provide the means of applying different techniques to solve
complex problems. The more physical properties that are evaluated, the
less ambiguous the interpretation becomes;
Non-destructive – It is ideal for use in populated areas, such as cities,
where many of today's environmental and engineering issues arise. It also