328 L. Barack
realized if accurate and faithful theoretical templates of inspiral waveforms were
available by the time LISA flies. The underlying idealized physical problem is that
of a structureless point particle of mass , set in a generic (eccentric, inclined)
strong-field orbit around a Kerr black hole of a much larger mass, M .The
goal is to model the gravitational waveforms emitted as radiation reaction drives the
gradual inspiral up until the eventual plunge through the black hole’s event horizon.
A prerequisite is to calculate the local gravitational SF acting on the inspiralling
object, at least at leading order in the small mass [O.
/]. This defines the mission
statement for the ongoing “SF program” that sets the context for this review.
The theoretical framework underpinning the SF program is reviewed elsewhere
in this volume (see Wald’s, Detweiler’s, and Poisson’s contributions). It comprises
the works by Mino, Sasaki, and Tanaka [86] (gravitational SF using matched asymp-
totic expansions), Quinn and Wald [103] (gravitational SF using an axiomatic
approach), Detweiler and Whiting [44] (R-field reinterpretation of the perturbed
motion), Gralla and Wald [57] (rigorous derivation of the SF using a one-parameter
family of spacetimes), Barack and Ori [18] (gauge dependence of the gravita-
tional SF), and Poisson [97] (a self-contained and pedagogical review, with an
elegant reproduction of previous derivations). The main end product of this theo-
retical advance was a firmly established general formula for the SF in a class of
spacetimes including Kerr. This formula (Eq. 2 below) will be the starting point of
our review. We will refer to it, following Poisson [97], as the MiSaTaQuWa formula,
an acronym based on the names of the authors of Refs. [86]and[103], where the
formula was first derived.
Starting in the late 1990s, work began to recast the MiSaTaQuWa formula in a
practical form and implement it in actual calculations of the SF. While the “holy
grail” of this program remains the calculation of the gravitational SF for generic
orbits in Kerr, much of the initial effort has concentrated on the toy problem of the
scalar-field SF, and on simple classes of orbits (radial, circular) in Schwarzschild
spacetime. The last few years, however, have seen first calculations of the gravita-
tional (and electromagnetic) SFs for generic orbits in Schwarzschild – and work on
Kerr is now under way. In our presentation we shall focus, for concreteness, on the
gravitational problem.
The scope of our discussion will be restricted to work concerned with the direct
evaluation of the MiSaTaQuWa SF along a given prespecified orbit (normally taken
to be a geodesic of the background spacetime); we will not consider here the im-
portant question of how orbits evolve under the effect of the SF. There is a parallel
research effort [49,50,55,65,67,84,100,108] aimed to devise a faithful scheme for
calculations of the slow (“adiabatic”) orbital evolution in LISA-relevant sources.
This effort is largely based on a strategy proposed by Mino [81–83,107], in which
a time-average measure of the rate of change of the orbital “constants of motion” is
calculated from a certain “radiative” Green’s function without resorting to the local
SF, but neglecting its conservative effects. It is not inconceivable that this method
would prove sufficiently accurate for LISA applications. However, ultimately, the
performance and accuracy of this method could only be assessed against precise
calculations of the full SF.