Computational Methods for the Self-Force in Black Hole Spacetimes 351
SF calculations we need not only
but also its derivatives. Since, for example,
is a discontinuous function of t, we will inevitably face here the well known
“Gibbs phenomenon”: the Fourier sum will fail to converge to the correct value
at r ! r
.t/. Of course, the problematic behavior of the Fourier sum is simply a
consequence of our attempt to reconstruct a discontinuous function as a sum over
smooth harmonics.
From a practical point of view this would mean that (i) at the coincidence limit
r ! r
.t/ the sum over ! modes would fail to yield the correct one-sided values
,howevermany! modes are included in the sum; and (ii) if we reconstruct
at a point r Dr
off the worldline, then the Fourier series should indeed for-
mally converge, however the number of ! modes required for achieving a prescribed
precision would grow unboundedly as r
approaches r
.t/, making it extremely dif-
ficult to evaluate
at the coincidence limit.
This technical difficulty is rather generic, and will show also in calculations of
the local EM and gravitational fields. The situation is no different in the Kerr case,
because there too the mode-sum formula requires as input the spherical-harmonic
modes of the perturbation field, and for each such mode the source is represented
by a ı-distribution on a thin shell, which renders the field derivatives discontinuous
across that shell. The problem takes an even more severe form when considering EM
or gravitational perturbations via the Teukolsky formalism: Here, the l;m modes of
the perturbation fields (now the Newman–Penrose scalars) are not even continuous
at the particle’s orbit – a consequence of the fact that the source term for Teukolsky’s
equation involves derivatives of the electric four-current or the energy–momentum
tensor (a single derivative in the EM case; a second derivative in the gravitational
case). Again, a naive attempt to construct these multipoles as a sum over their !
modes will be hampered by the Gibbs phenomenon.
A simple and elegant way around the problem was proposed recently in Ref. [23].
It was shown how the desired values of the field and its derivatives at the particle can
be constructed from a sum over properly weighted homogeneous(source-free) radial
functions R
.r/, instead of the actual inhomogeneous solutions of the frequency-
domain equation. The Fourier sum of such homogeneous radial functions, which are
smooth everywhere, converges exponentially fast. The Fourier sum of the deriva-
tives, which are also smooth, is likewise exponentially convergent. The validity of
the method (and the exponential convergence) was demonstrated in Ref. [23] with
an explicit numerical calculation in the scalar-field monopole case (l D 0). It was
later implemented in a frequency-domain calculation of the monopole and dipole
modes of the Lorenz gauge metric perturbation for eccentric orbits in Schwarzschild
[13, 25, 26]. The same method should be applicable for any of the other problems
mentioned above, including the calculation of EM and gravitational perturbations
using Teukolsky’s equation.
The method of Ref. [23] (dubbed method of extended homogeneous solutions)
completely circumvents the problem of slow convergence (or the lack thereof) in
frequency-domain calculations involving point sources. It makes the frequency-
domain approach an attractive method of choice for SF calculations. The method
is now being implemented in first calculations of the scalar-field SF for Kerr or-
bits [119].