306 S. Detweiler
near by the small hole reveals the quiet simplicity and grace of geodesic motion.
Rather than “beauty,” a satisfying sense of physical consistency is “revealed at every
Acknowledgements My understanding of gravitational self-force effects has evolved over the
past decade in large part in discussions with colleagues during the annual Capra meetings. I am
deeply indebted to the organizers and participants of these fruitful meetings. And I am particularly
pleased to have had recent collaborators Leor Barack, Peter Diener, Eric Poisson, Norichika Sago,
Wolfgang Tichy, Ian Vega, and Bernard Whiting, who individually and as a group have kept me on
track and moving forward. This work was supported in part by the National Science Foundation,
through grant number PHY-0555484 with the University of Florida. Some of the numerical results
described here were preformed at the University of Florida High-Performance Computing Center
(URL: http://hpc.ufl.edu).
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