England 35–6, 43, 46–9, 53–6, 59–60,
97, 226
English East India Company 99, 105,
200–3, 212
Estates General 152–3, 218
Estrées, Jean (Count of) 44
Eastern 5, 8, 14, 40–1, 68, 71, 74, 79,
84, 115–18, 122, 127–9, 183,
Western 40, 54, 68, 122–7, 160, 194,
Family Compacts (1733, 1743, 1761)
8, 19, 80, 89
Favier, Jean-Louis 26
Fénelon, Marquis of 28, 72, 88
Ferdinand III of Austria 39, 58
Ferdinand IV of Naples 176
Ferdinand VI of Spain 18, 99, 111
Ferdinand VII of Spain 188, 193
Ferriol, Count of 19
First Family Compact (see Treaty of the
Escorial) 80
Florida 34, 93, 113, 133, 210, 214, 227
Flury, Charles 22
foreign ministers (see secretaries of state)
Foreign Office 13
Francis I, Emperor of Austria 85, 98
Francis II, Emperor of Austria 162–4,
180, 218
Franco-Prussia-Wittelsbach alliance 82
Frederick II ‘the Great’ of Prussia 3, 15–
18, 82, 85–8, 97–103, 106–8, 115,
121, 129, 131, 135–6, 152
Frederick William I of Prussia 2, 15, 74,
78, 80, 86
Frederick William II of Prussia 139, 159,
163, 164
Frederick William III of Prussia 186, 189
Frederick William, Elector of
Brandenburg-Prussia 36–9, 42, 45,
French East India Company 37–8, 44,
56, 69, 91–2, 105, 144, 203
French Guinea Company 61
Fronde 34–5
Fürstenbund [League of Princes]
(1785) 136
Galissonière, Marquis de la 104
Genoa 5, 21, 31, 48–9, 81, 92, 119, 184
George I of Britain-Hanover 31, 71–2,
George II of Britain-Hanover 31, 75–6,
87–9, 106
George III of Britain-Hanover 10, 23,
31, 120, 132, 136–7, 152
Germany 7, 12, 18, 26, 43–6, 50–4, 66–
8, 75, 78, 80–2, 86–9, 97, 101, 108–
14, 122, 129–30, 134–5, 160, 170–2,
174, 177, 182, 185–91, 194–5
Gibralter 65, 73, 111, 133
gloire 19, 24–6, 36, 79, 89
Golconda 43
Gorée 6
Grand Alliance 54, 57–60
Grand Alliance of the Hague (1701) 61–
4, 71
Guadeloupe 6, 56, 109, 113, 141, 178,
208, 214–16
Guiana 6, 37, 44, 126, 214, 227
Gustavus III of Sweden 120, 122, 152,
Habsburgs 14, 18, 34–5, 38–41, 49–50,
54, 58–9, 62, 65–8, 71, 76–7, 82,
86–7, 99–102, 117–19, 124, 131,
165, 194, 226–7
Haiti 6, 197
Hanover 20, 42, 52, 65, 70–6, 85–6,
106–12, 136, 140, 184–5
Henry II 36
Henry IV 28, 35
Hispaniola 44, 172, 210
Holy Roman Empire 39, 66, 75–7, 174,
Hungary 4, 23, 27, 47–8, 55, 61–5, 68–
71, 82, 179
Hyderabad 8, 104–5, 143–5, 165, 198,
211, 228
India 2, 6, 8, 27, 38, 43, 57, 91–3, 96,
103–5, 109, 126–8, 133, 140–9, 165,