outbreak of the Nine Years’ War’, in Hatton (ed.), Louis XIV and Europe, pp.
59. For example, Lossky, Louis XIV, William III, and the Baltic Crisis of 1683, p. x, and
‘The general European crisis of the 1680s’, European Studies Review, 10 (1980), p.
193; Ekberg, Louis XIV’s Dutch War, pp. 56, 178.
60. AE. CP. Esp. 75 fols 290–91.
61. C. Storrs, ‘Machiavelli dethroned: Victor Amadeus II and the making of the Anglo-
Savoyard alliance of 1690’, European History Quarterly, 22 (1992), pp. 347–81.
62. H. Duchhardt (ed.), Der Friede von Rijswijk, 1697 (Mainz, 1998); A. Blanchard, Vauban
(Paris, 1996), p. 443; Puysieulx to Richelieu, 22 July 1748, AN. KK. 1372; AE. CP.
Esp. 75 fol. 290.
63. J. Garret, The Triumphs of Providence: The Assassination Plot, 1696 (Cambridge,
64. D.J. Sturdy, ‘Le ménage à trois. Les relations entre l’Irlande, l’Angleterre et la France,
1660–1690’, in C. Smith and E. Dubois (eds), France et Grande-Bretagne de la chute
de Charles Ier à celle de Jacques II, 1649–1688 (Oxford, 1990), pp. 35–45; R. Pillorget,
‘Louis XIV and Ireland’, in B. Whelan (ed.), The Last of the Great Wars. Essays on the
War of the Three Kings of Ireland, 1688–91 (Limerick, 1995), pp. 1–16.
65. C. Buchet, La Lutte pour l’Éspace Caribe et la Façade Atlantique de l’Amerique
Centrale du Sud, 1672–1763 (2 vols, Paris, 1991).
66. W.J. Eccles, ‘Frontenac’s military policies, 1689–1698. A reassessment’, Canadian
Historical Review, 37 (1956), pp. 201–24; G. Lanctot, Histoire de Canada. Du régime
royal au Traité d’Utrecht, 1663–1713 (Montréal), 1963); W.J. Eccles, Canada under
Louis XIV, 1663–1701 (Toronto, 1964).
67. A.F. Williams, Father Baudoin’s War: D’Iberville’s Campaigns in Newfoundland, 1696,
1697 (St John’s, Newfoundland, 1987).
68. E.B. Osler, La Salle (Don Mills, Ontario, 1967); M. de Villiers du Terrage, L’Expédition
de la Salle dans le Golfe du Mexique (Paris, 1931).
69. J.C. Rule, ‘Jerome Phélypeaux, comte de Pontchartrain, and the establishment of
Louisiana’, in J.F. McDermott (ed.), Frenchmen and French Ways in the Mississippi
Valley (Urbana, Illinois, 1969), pp. 179–97.
70. N.M. Belting, Kaskaskia under the French Regime (Urbana, Illinois, 1948).
71. J. Delumeau, Le Mouvement du port de Saint Malo, 1681–1720 (Rennes, 1966).
72. Szarka, Portugal, France, pp. 123–61.
73. AE. CP. Ang. 175 fol. 30.
74. AE. CP. Ang. 174 fols 139–47.
75. AE. CP. Ang. 180 fol. 37.
76. AE. CP. Ang. 180 fols 135–6.
77. D.A. Gaeddart, The Franco-Bavarian Alliance during the War of the Spanish Succession
(PhD, Ohio State University, 1969), pp. 191–2.
78. Many of the French documents are published in H. Reynald, Succession d’Espagne,
Louis XIV et Guillaume III. Histoire des deux traités de partage et du testament de
Charles II d’après la correspondance inédite de Louis XIV (2 vols, Paris, 1883) and A.
Legrelle, La Diplomatie française et la succession d’Espagne (2nd edn, 6 vols, Braine-
le-Comte, France, 1895–9). Useful work in English includes M.A. Thomson, ‘Louis
XIV and the origins of the War of the Spanish Succession’ in Hatton and J.S. Bromley