Chapter 16 Energy Transport by Radiation
The "named laws" in this chapter are important. What is the physical content of the laws as-
sociated with the following scientists' names: Stefan and Boltzmann, Planck, Kirchhoff, Lam-
bert, Wien?
How are the Stefan-Boltzmann law and the Wien displacement law related to the Planck
black-body distribution law?
Do black bodies exist? Why is the concept of a black body useful?
In specular (mirrorlike) reflection, the angle of incidence equals the angle of reflection. How
are these angles related for diffuse reflection?
What is the physical significance of the view factor, and how can it be calculated?
What are the units of q'",
and qf)?
Under what conditions is the effect of geometry on radiant heat interchange completely ex-
pressible in terms of view factors?
Which of the equations in this chapter show that the apparent brightness of a black body with
a uniform surface temperature is independent of the position (distance and direction) from
which it is viewed through a transparent medium?
What relation is analogous to Eq. 16.3-2 for an ideal monatomic gas?
Check the dimensional consistency of Eq. 16.3-9.
16A.1. Approximation of a black body by a hole in
sphere. A thin sphere of copper, with its internal surface
highly oxidized, has a diameter of 6 in. How small a hole
must be made in the sphere to make an opening that will
have an absorptivity of 0.99?
0.70 in.
16A.2. Efficiency of a solar engine.
device for utilizing
solar energy, developed by ~bbot,' consists of a parabolic
mirror that focuses the impinging sunlight onto a Pyrex tube
containing a high-boiling, nearly black liquid. This liquid is
circulated to a heat exchanger in which the heat energy is
transferred to superheated water at 25 atm pressure. Steam
may be withdrawn and used to run an engine. The most effi-
cient design requires a mirror 10 ft in diameter to generate
2 hp, when the axis of the mirror is pointed directly toward
the sun. What
the overall efficiency of the device?
Radiant heating requirement. A shed is rectangu-
lar in shape, with the floor 15 ft by 30 ft and the roof 7.5 ft
above the floor. The floor is heated by hot water running
through coils. On cold winter days the exterior walls and
roof are about -10°F. At what rate must heat be supplied
through the floor in order to maintain the floor temperature
at 75"F? (Assume that all surfaces of the system are black.)
16A.4. Steady-state temperature of a roof. Estimate the
maximum temperature attained by a level roof at
latitude on June 21 in clear weather. Radiation from sources
Abbot, in
Solar Energy Research
Daniels and
Duffie, eds.), University of Wisconsin Press, Madison (1955),
91-95; see also
Patent No.
other than the sun may be neglected, and a convection heat
transfer coefficient of 2.0 Btu/hr
may be assumed.
maximum temperature of 100°F may be assumed for the
surrounding air. The solar constant of Example 16.4-1 may
be used, and the absorption and scattering of the sun's rays
by the atmosphere may be neglected.
(a) Solve for a perfectly black roof.
Solve for an aluminum-coated roof, with an absorptiv-
ity of 0.3 for solar radiation and an ernissivity of 0.07 at the
temperature of the roof.
16A.5. Radiation errors in temperature measurements.
The temperature of an air stream in a duct is being mea-
sured by means of a thermocouple. The thermocouple
wires and junction are cylindrical, 0.05 in. in diameter, and
extend across the duct perpendicular to the flow with the
junction in the center of the duct. Assuming a junction emis-
0.8, estimate the temperature of the gas stream
from the following data obtained under steady conditions:
Thermocouple junction temperature
Duct wall temperature
Convection heat transfer coefficient
from wire to air
50 Btu/hr.
The wall temperature is constant at the value given for 20
duct diameters upstream and downstream of the thermo-
couple installation. The thermocouple leads are positioned
so that the effect of heat conduction along them on the
junction temperature may be neglected.
16A.6. Surface temperatures on the Earth's moon.
(a) Estimate the surface temperature of our moon at the
point nearest the sun by a quasi-steady-state radiant en-
ergy balance, regarding the lunar surface as a gray sphere.