1 Introduction – Measurement Techniques and Applications 7
capabilities of SPM techniques dominated the application of these methods at their
early development stages, the physics and chemistry of probe–sample interactions
and the quantitative analyses of tribological, electronic, magnetic, biological, and
chemical surfaces are commonly carried out. Nanoscale science and technology are
strongly driven by SPMs which allow investigation and manipulation of surfaces
down to the atomic scale. With growing understandingof the underlying interaction
mechanisms, SPMs have found applications in many fields outside basic research
fields. In addition, various derivatives of all these methods have been developed for
special applications, some of them targeting far beyond microscopy.
A detailed overview of scanning probe microscopy – principle of operation,
instrumentation, and probes is presented in a later chapter (also see [16, 20–23]).
Here, a brief description of commercial STMs and AFMs follows.
Commercial STMs
There are a number of commercial STMs available on the market. Digital Instru-
ments, Inc. located in Santa Barbara, CA introduced the first commercial STM, the
Nanoscope I, in 1987. In a recent Nanoscope IV STM for operation in ambient air,
the sample is held in position while a piezoelectric crystal in the form of a cylindri-
cal tube (referred to as PZT tube scanner) scans the sharp metallic probe over the
surface in a raster pattern while sensing and outputting the tunneling current to the
control station, Fig. 1.3. The digital signal processor (DSP) calculates the desired
separation of the tip from the sample by sensing the tunneling current flowing be-
tween the sample and the tip. The bias voltage applied between the sample and the
tip encouragesthe tunnelingcurrentto flow. TheDSP completesthe digitalfeedback
loop by outputting the desired voltage to the piezoelectric tube. The STM operates
in both the “constant height” and “constant current” modes depending on a param-
eter selection in the control panel. In the constant current mode, the feedback gains
are set high, the tunneling tip closely tracks the sample surface, and the variation
in the tip height required to maintain constant tunneling current is measured by the
change in the voltage applied to the piezo tube. In the constant height mode, the
feedback gains are set low, the tip remains at a nearly constant height as it sweeps
over the sample surface, and the tunneling current is imaged.
Physically, the Nanoscope STM consists of three main parts: the head which
houses the piezoelectric tube scanner for three dimensional motion of the tip and
the preamplifier circuit (FET input amplifier) mounted on top of the head for the
tunneling current, the base on which the sample is mounted, and the base support,
which supports the base and head [16, 21]. The base accommodates samples up
to 10 mm by 20mm and 10 mm in thickness. Scan sizes available for the STM
are 0.7 µm ×0.7 µm (for atomic resolution), 12 µm× 12µm, 75µm × 75µmand
The scanning head controls the three dimensional motion of tip. The removable
head consists of a piezo tube scanner, about 12.7mm in diameter, mounted into an
invar shell used to minimize vertical thermal drifts because of good thermal match
between the piezo tube and the Invar. The piezo tube has separate electrodes for