7.3 Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) Model 193
The scaling function g(x) has the property that g(x) →const ant as x →∞,
which ensures that the conclusions of Eq.(7.2.25) and Eq.(7.1.24) agree. The fact
that α =1 −D/2 implies that α changes sign as we vary the dimensionality of the
substrate. The exponent α is a measure of the roughness of the interface. If we have
a fluctuation δh at a point r
of the interface , then the correlation function C(r
tells us what is the likelihood that there will be fluctuation at a point r
, a distance
away from r
) grows with r
, then fluctuations exist all over the
interface and the interface is rough. If C(r
) decays with r
then the fluctuation
at r
is localized and its effect is not felt at a point somewhat removed from r
This makes the interface smooth. If α>0, then C(r
) grows with r
and we have
a rough interface. If α<0, the correlation function decays and we have a smooth
interface. Thus for D ≤2, we have a rough interface and for D>2, the interface is
smooth. Larger the dimension of the substrate, more effective is the smoothening
effect of ν∇
h which smoothes out the growing surface. The smoothening term is
like a surface tension.
7.3 Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) Model
We now want to include nonlinear terms in the EW model and see if the predictions
about the exponents can be changed by the nonlinearity. The logic behind adding
the nonlinear term is that as the interface grows, the growth at any particular point
should occur preferentially along the local normal. As shown in Fig. 7.4, the height
changes by an amount δh at point Q in time δt due to local growth at the point P .
The interface velocity at the point P is v in the normal direction and hence the right
angled triangle gives
Figure 7.4. Direction of velocity of the growing interface