stuck at about 1 µm. The reason is recalescence, which is the rise in tempera-
ture of the steel caused by release of the latent heat of transformation at a rate
which is so high that it cannot easily be dissipated by diffusion. It causes the
temperature of the steel to rise, thus reducing G
and preventing the achieve-
ment of ultrafine grain structures. Large-scale thermomechanical processing is
therefore limited by recalescence and is unlikely to lead to grain sizes which are
uniformly less than about 1 µm.
10.2.4 Dispersion strengthening during controlled rolling
The solubility data imply that, in a micro-alloyed steel, carbides and carbo-
nitrides of Nb, Ti and V will precipitate progressively during controlled rolling
as the temperature falls. While the primary effect of these fine dispersions is
to control grain size, dispersion strengthening will take place. The strength-
ening arising from this cause will depend both on the particle size r, and the
interparticle spacing which is determined by the volume fraction of precipi-
tate (Equation (2.10)). These parameters will depend primarily on the type of
compound which is precipitating, and that is determined by the micro-alloying
content of the steel. However the maximum solution temperature reached and
the detailed schedule of the controlling rolling operation are also important
It is now known, not only that precipitation takes place in the austenite,
but that further precipitation occurs during the transformation to ferrite. The
precipitation of niobium, titanium and vanadium carbides has been shown to
take place progressively as the interphase boundaries move through the steel.
This is the interphase precipitation discussed in Section 4.4.3. As this precipi-
tation is normally on an extremely fine scale occurring between 850
C and
C, it is likely to be the major contribution to the dispersion strengthening.
In view of the higher solubility of vanadium carbide in austenite, the effect
will be most pronounced in the presence of this element, with titanium and
niobium in decreasing order of effectiveness. If the rate of cooling through
the transformation is high, leading to the formation of supersaturated plates
of ferrite, the carbides will tend to precipitate within the grains, usually on the
dislocations which are numerous in this type of ferrite.
In arriving at optimum compositions of micro-alloyed steels, it should be
borne in mind that the maximum volume fraction of precipitate which can be
put into solid solution in austenite at high temperatures is achieved by use
of stoichiometric compositions. For example, if titanium (atomic weight 47.9)
is used, it will combine with approximately one quarter its weight of carbon
(atomic weight 12), so that for a 0.025 wt% C steel, 0.10 wt% of Ti will provide
carbide of the stoichiometric composition. In Fig. 10.9 the stoichiometric line
for TiC is shown superimposed on the solubility curves for titanium carbide at
C and 1300
C. If the precipitation in steels with 0.10 wt% titanium
cooled from 1200
C is considered, at low carbon contents, i.e. to the left of the