Despite its limited sensitivity in terms of spatial and binding energy (chem ical
shift) resolution, XPS can provide valuabl e information on the surface composition
of clays and clay minerals, and the chemical bonding of the constituent elements.
The examples below illustrate this capability.
The particles of naturally occ urring clay minerals (phyllosilicates) are often coated
by ferric (hydr)oxides which, therefore, may significantly influence surface proper-
ties. Conventionally this (external) coating of iron can be extracted by treatment with
sodium citrate–dithionite–bicarbonate (CDB), leaving the structural iron more or
less intact. Using this approach, Soma et al. (1992) were able to characteriz e the
surface chemical composition of five New Zealand halloysites with different particle
morphologies by XPS. Except for the sample from Hamilton, most of the iron in the
halloysites were structural, and hence not extractable with CDB. The Hamilton
halloysite contained the highest amoun t of iron, of which about 80% was external
and extractable by CDB. The Fe 2p
photoelectron binding energy (711.6 eV) of
this sample was consistent with that of ferric (hydr)oxides, such as goethite (McIn-
tyre and Zetaruk, 1977). Its iron-to-silicon (Fe/Si) atomic ratio, determined by XPS,
was also significantly larger than the bulk value determined by X-ray fluorescence
analysis. On the other hand, the Fe 2p
binding energy of the other halloysites
(about 712.8 eV) was characteristic of ferric ion in silicate structures (Seyama and
Soma, 1987). Their surface Fe/Si atomic ratio (by XPS) was close to, or less than, the
bulk value, indicating that the surface layers of some halloysites were depleted in
(structural) iron. This observation would have important implications for determin-
ing the surface charge characteristics and chemi cal reactivity. After CDB extraction,
the surface Fe/Si atomic ratio of Hamilton halloysite was comparable with the
corresponding bulk ratio, while the Fe 2p
binding energy shifted to 712.6 eV, close
to the value for structural iron. This example clearly demonstrates the capability of
XPS in providing infor mation on the radial distribution and chemical-bonding state
of an element (here iron) in minerals with a heterogeneous microstructure.
XPS analysis of siliceous ferrihydrites provides insight into the bonding state and
localization of silicon (Soma et al., 1996). The surface Si/Fe atomic ratios of five
natural siliceous ferrihydrites (determined by XPS) were close to, or slightly smaller
than, their respective bulk values (0.18–0.43). This indicated that Si was well dis-
persed throughout the ferrihydrite matrix at the scale of the photoelectron mean
free-path (of the order of several nm), with a tendency for depletion in the outer
(surface) layers. The Si 2s binding energy of 152.9 7 0.2 eV for all five natural
samples was close to that for olivine (152.9–153.0 eV) (Seyama et al., 1996), a neso-
silicate with isolated SiO
tetrahedra. However, it was markedly lower than the value
for quartz (154.4 eV) (Seyama et al., 1996), indicating the absence of a three-
dimensional network of SiO
tetrahedra. Thus, both the surface Si/Fe atomic ratio
and the Si 2s photoelectron binding energy of natural siliceous ferrihydrites were
consistent with the model of Parfitt et al. (1992). These workers suggested that
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