The ‘liquefyi ng’ property
of phosphates is related to two effects. Phos phate an-
ions are strong ly adsorbed on oxide surfaces, and also on the edges of the silicate
layers. They replace structural OH groups by ligand exchange (Muljadi et al., 1966;
Parfitt, 1978; Jasmund and Lagaly, 1993; Lagaly 1993, 2005). By acting as multi-
valent anions phosphate increases the negative edge charge density, and hence the
salt stability. As the electrostatic repulsive force is strongly dependent on the surface
potential as long as this value is low (Verwey and Overbeek, 1948; Lagaly, 1986;
Lagaly et al., 1997) a weak increase of the edge charge density by phosphate ad-
sorption can strongly increase the repulsive force and the c
The second effect is the transition of edge(–)/face(–) coagulation into face(–)/
face(–) coagulation (Fig. 5.8). When the increased salt concentration required for
edge(–)/face(–) coagulation approximates the salt concentration for face(–)/face(–)
aggregation, the dispersion coagulates face-to-face because the area between two
faces is larger than between an edge and a face. Keren and co-workers (Keren et al.,
1988; Heller and Keren, 2001) suggested that face/face aggregation between two
layers or particles might be initiated at surface regions with lower than average
charge density because of layer charge heterogeneity.
Transition from edge(–)/face(–) to face(–)/face(–) coagulation, in particular at
somewhat higher particle concentration, is promoted by the following effect. As
discussed by Tateyama et al. (1988), edge(–)/face(–) attraction depends on the angle
between the two particles and particle thickness. This potential is very small for
delaminated montmorillonite because the layers are only 1 nm thick. Attraction be-
comes strong enough only for an almost perpendicular orientation of the two par-
ticles. Such contacts are only formed at low particle concentrations. At higher
concentrations, the strong repulsion between the faces disrupts the edge/face con-
tacts more easily and the attraction must be enhanced to reach the face/face co-
agulation co ndition.
A striking effect is the pronounced decrease in the critical coagulation concentra-
tion of sodium hydrogen phosphates at higher montmorillonite contents (Table 5.5).
In dispersions with high clay mineral contents and a high negative edge charge density
of the particles, the strong repulsion between the faces forces the particles into adopt-
ing a certain parallel orientation (Section 5.6.1), promoting edge(–)/edge(–) coagula-
tion (Fig. 5.8)(Pierre, 1992, 1996). This is less likely to occur in dilute dispersions.
Coagulation is then initiated when the interaction between the edges(–) becomes at-
tractive. This process may include a certain overlapping of silicate layers forming
band-type fragments. This type of coagulation requires lower concentrations than
those initiated by face(–)/face (–) coagulation.
Liquefaction describes the decrease in the viscosity of dispersions by certain agents, e.g., of kaolin
dispersions by phosphate addition (Lagaly, 1989; Manfredini et al., 1990; Penner and Lagaly, 2001), which
is very important for ceramic masses and paper coating. Phosphates also decrease the viscosity of bento-
nite dispersions although an increase in viscosity was observed under certain conditions (Penner and
Lagaly, 2001).
5.4. Coagulation of Colloidal Clay Mineral Dispersions and Mechanisms of Coagulation 169