analysis, and laser scattering when the particle sizes were calculated from the scat-
tering data by the Mie theory.
The relation between the real dimensions of rods and discs and the measured
equivalent spherical diameter depends on the type of measurement (Jennings and
Parslow, 1988 ; Lagaly et al., 1997). As shown by Jennings and co-workers (Oakley
and Jennings, 1982; J ennings and Parslow, 1988; Jennings, 1993; Hinds et al., 1996)
and Slepetys and Cleland (1993), the ratio diameter/length (for rods) or diameter/
thickness (aspect ratio of discs) can be estimated from the equivalent diameters
measured by two different methods, giving distinctly different equivalent diameters.
For example, when kaolinite dispersions were analysed by rotary diffusion (electro-
optic and magneto-optic experiments) or light scattering as against sedimentation
(Jennings, 1993; Slepetys and Cleland, 1993).
Microscopic observations (TEM, SEM, ESEM, AFM, etc.) are useful for inves-
tigating clay minerals as they directly provide shape and geometric dimensions
within the inherent instrumental uncertainti es. However, the transfer of particles
from the dispersion to the sample holder of the electron microscope can strongly
change the appearance of the particles and their size. In many cases the microscope
methods may not be statistically satisfactory (Dudek et al., 2002). The modern
technique of jet-freezing allows particles in colloidal dispersions, and also the struc-
ture of emulsions and microemulsions to be determined (Lagaly et al., 1997). Re-
liable information about the state of montmorillonite particles in dispersion and
formation of band-type and card-house structures was obtained (Vali and Bach-
mann, 1988; Benna et al., 2001a, 2001b).
5.4.1. Coagulation by Inorganic Salts
Since the colloidal state of dispersed clay minerals is decisive in many practical
applications, the coagulation of kaolinite and montmorillonite disper sions was in-
vestigated for many decades (Jenny and Reitemeier, 1935; Kahn, 1958). Unlike other
colloidal dispersions, well-dispersed clay minerals (kaolinites, smectites, illites, pal-
ygorskite) in the sod ium form may be coagulated by very low concentrations of
inorganic salts. The critical coagulation concentration, c
, of sodium chloride varies
between 3 and 20 mmol/L. The data assembled in Table 5.3 also reveal the modest
influence of different types of montmorillonites, even illites, beidellites and Laponites
in that all give similar c
values. For palygorskite see Section 5.4.2.
The very strong influence of the valence of the counterions is typical of electro-
statically stabilised dispersions. The 0.025% Na
-montmorillonite dispersions were
coagulated by 5 mmol/L sodium chloride, 0.4 mmol/L calcium chloride, and
0.08 mmol/L aluminium chloride (Table 5.4)(Penner and Lagaly, 2000). Oster
Chapter 5: Colloid Clay Science162