The dispersion is transferred to one or more cylindrical vessels and well dispersed.
After a calculated sedimentation time, the upper part with a depth h ( ¼ sedimen-
tation distance) is withdrawn by careful suction or siphoning. For instance, when
h ¼ 0:2 m and t ¼ 52 h 50 min, this part of the dispersion only contains particles
p1 mm. However, the lower part of the dispersion and the sediment still contain
p1 mm particles. The withdrawn dispersion volume has to be replaced by water. After
intense mixing the same volume of the dispersion is again removed after the same
time period. This procedure is repeated until all p1 mm particles are separated, i.e. the
upper part of the dispersion after the selected sedimentation time remains completely
clear and free of particles. The next step is the separation of the next larger fraction,
which may be the fraction 1–2 mm using the sedimentation time for 2 mm particles.
The choice of the size fractions was often discussed. A modified Atterberg scale is
recommended (Tributh and Lagaly, 1986):>63, 63–20, 29–6.3, 6.3–2, 2–0.6, 0.6–0.2,
and o0.2 mm. (This is fractionation in a logarithmic scale because the logarithm
decreases by 0.5 in every step).
An important condition for a clear separation is a sufficiently low particle con-
centration that allows the particles to settle independently (granular or free sedi-
mentation). Clay mineral dispersions often show a combination of free and
structural sedimentation when the particle concentration is too high. In this case not
all particles settle and form a sediment (see Section 5.6.3).
5.3.2. Dispersions of Kaolins
The width of kaolinite particles varies from about 0.1 to 20 mm(Jepson, 1984). The
content of ancillary minerals (feldspars, quartz, mica, smectites) in kaolins varies
with particle size. Pure kaolinite can often be obtained from kaolins by selecting the
appropriate particle size fractions. In fractions o0.1 mm, smectites are enriched; in
fractions >1 mm, quartz, feldspars, and micas become abundant (Jepson, 1984).
However, the variation of the composition with particle size dep ends on the deposit,
and pure kaolinite cannot be obtained in any case by fractiona tion.
When the hydrogen bonds and the dipole interactions that hold together
the silicate layers of kaolinite particles are weakened by intercalation of suitable or-
ganic molecules, the particles can be separated into thinner ones under the
action of mechanical forces. This reaction was used by Chinese ceramists to improve
the quality of porcelain (Weiss, 1963). Colloidal dispersions of kaolinite can be pre-
pared when kaolinite is treated with DMSO and ammonium fluoride (Lahav, 1990;
Chekin, 1992). The fluoride ions replace some OH
groups and reduce the number of
hydrogen bonds and the bonding energy between the layers (Costanzo et al., 1984).
5.3.3. Dispersions of Smectites and Vermiculites
Smectite particles may be as large as 2 mm and as small a s 0.1 mm, with average
sizes of about 0.5 mm(Grim and Gu
ven, 1978; Odom, 1984). The morphology of
Chapter 5: Colloid Clay Science158