3.1 Accelerating the representer calculation 59
be computed with the same precision as the inverse itself, as they are only used for
rough assessment of the likely accuracy of the inverse. Storage-efficient Monte Carlo
algorithms permit computations of selected statistics with adequate reliability, on the
same grid as the forward model if so desired.
Nonlinearity can only be overcome by iteration, but there is no unique way to
iterate. This is a blessing in disguise, as certain choices for functional iterations can
lead to linear, unbounded instability. No functional linearization yields statistical lin-
earization, so significance tests and posterior error covariances that assume statistical
linearity must be used with caution. Finally, crude parameterizations of unresolved
natural processes may not be functionally smooth, thereby precluding variational as-
similation. This obstacle should in principle be overcome by fiddling with the unnatural
parameterization. Experience with trivial models suggests that we have much to learn.
Accelerating the representer calculation
3.1.1 So many representers ...
The representer algorithm provides an explicit solution of linear Euler–Lagrange equa-
tions, and hence least-squares generalized inverses of overdetermined linear forward
problems. There is one representer for each excess datum, and two model integrations
are required (one backward, one forward) in order to construct each representer. (Note
that we may regard the initial values and boundary values for the forward problem as
data having exactly the same status as the finite set of measurements that overdetermine
the forward problem; indeed, we may in principle envisage measurements obtained con-
tinuously along a track, and we shall in Chapter 6 consider specifying boundary values
of too many components of a vector field.) It is impractical to compute every repre-
senter if their number is very large. There are rational approaches to reducing their
number, as will be indicated in Chapter 5, but such approximations may not be neces-
sary. It is possible to compute the representer solution for the inverse without reducing
the number of representers, and without significant numerical approximation beyond
that already implied by the numerical model. This technical advance has allowed the
inversion of large data sets, with complex models imposed as weak constraints.
Open-loop maneuvering: a time chart
Recall again from §1.3.3 the representer solution for the inverse:
u(x, t) = u
(x, t) +
(x, t), (3.1.1)
(R + C
β = h ≡ d − L[u
]. (3.1.2)