4.1 State space searches 93
Note. Inspecting (2.1.14) and (2.1.17) shows that
S ≡ R + RC
R = PC
P − P, (4.1.46)
. (4.1.47)
Thus R and P are closely related to S, the Hessian of the penalty functional
J [u] with respect to the observable degrees of freedom.
For a review of the use of “adjoint models” see Errico (1997).
Continuous adjoints or discrete adjoints?
The derivation of gradients and Euler–Lagrange equations for penalty functions was
illustrated in §4.1.2 with a trivial example. (Note that J
defined by (4.1.13) is a real-
valued function of the N -dimensional vector u = (u
, whereas J defined
by (4.1.5) is a real-valued functional of the function u = u(t).) Derivation of “discrete
adjoints” becomes exacting and tedious as the complexity of the forward numerical
model increases. Is it worth the trouble? After all, one could with comparative ease
derive the adjoint operators analytically and then approximate numerically as in the
forward model. In general, proceeding in that order “breaks” adjoint symmetry; the
“discrete adjoint equation” is not the “adjoint discrete equation”. The broken symmetry
manifests itself directly as a spurious, asymmetric part in the representer matrix. So
long as the asymmetric part is relatively small, it could be discarded. The resulting
inverse solution would be slightly suboptimal. In the indirect representer algorithm of
§3.1.4, the representer matrix is not being explicitly constructed, hence its asymmetry
cannot be suppressed. A preconditioned biconjugate-gradient solver must be used in
the iterative search for the representer coefficients. It seems cleaner to work with the
“adjoint discrete equation”; then asymmetry of the representer matrix becomes a very
useful indicator of coding errors.
Again, deriving the adjoint discrete equation is an exacting task. Experience and
technique are important. Recognition of pattern can greatly reduce the burden. As a rule,
centered finite-difference operators are self-adjoint. Most difficulties occur at bound-
aries, where operators are typically one-sided and so not self-adjoint. The introduction
of virtual state variables outside the domain of the forward model can simplify the re-
sulting adjoint discrete equation (J. Muccino, personal communication). For example,
consider the simple conduction problem
= θ
for constant θ>0, for 0 ≤ x ≤ x
and 0 ≤ t ≤ t
, subject to the initial condition
T (x, 0) = I (x) (4.1.49)