78 3. Implementation
Note 2. If sequences of equations (3.3.11)–(3.3.16) or (3.3.17)–(3.3.22) are solved
using representers directly, then the latter must be recomputed for each iterate
(value of n). Alternatively, the iterative, indirect construction of the representer
solution must be repeated, for each such “linearizing” or “outer” iterate (value
of n). In principle, the indirect approach would require a recalculation of the
preconditioner for each outer iterate, but in practice such effort does not seem
necessary for n > 2.
Note 3. Since U is a smooth function of u, we can calculate the gradient of J with
respect to u(x, t); for example,
δu(x, t)
u + U
, (3.3.25)
λ ≡ W
, (3.3.26)
if 0 < x < L,0< t < T and (x, t) is not a data point. (Readers unfamiliar with
functional differentiation as in (3.3.25) may prefer to revisit this section after
studying the discrete analog in §4.1.) Thus, given the field u = u(x, t)wecan
evaluate λ(x, t) and hence the gradient of J , enabling a gradient search for the
u =
u(x, t) that satisfies
u] = 0. (3.3.27)
Only one level of iteration is needed for this “state space” search: there is no
need for two levels as in the doubly iterated representer approach or “data space
search”. However, preconditioning is still essential for a state space search; in
effect the inverse of the Hessian form
H ≡
δu(x, t)δu(y, s)
is required. Calculating H in full is usually prohibitive, as is inverting H . Some
approximations, such as replacing H with its diagonal, do seem useful. See also
Real dynamics: pitfalls of iterating
The idealized nonlinear wave dynamics of (3.3.1) provide a conveniently simple setting
for the introduction of iterative solution schemes. The linear dynamics of Scheme A,
as displayed in (3.3.14), retain the character of those in (3.3.1). However, the linear
dynamics of Scheme B as shown in (3.3.20) are, as already indicated, of a different
character. This can have radical consequences for real dynamics.