870 C. C. Tsuei and J.R. Kirtley
tant part of the HTS problem, the symmetry of
the pair wavefunction in cuprates, was a controver-
sial topic for more than a decade [4, 5]. Recently, a
new class of experiments have emerged that provide
phase-sensitive tests of this symmetry, producing
compelling evidence for a d
-wave pair state in
several optimally hole– and electron-doped cuprate
superconductors [6, 7]. In this chapter, we will de-
scribe the fundamental aspects and present the main
results of these experiments. The implications of the
universally observed d-wave pairing for understand-
ing various anomalous properties of the high-T
perconductors will be discussed. We will conclude
with potential applications of d-wave superconduc-
tivity in areas such as SQUIDs and quantum com-
16.1.1 Superconducting Order Parameter and
Symmetry Breaking
The order parameter is a fundamental concept for
characterizing the ordered state of various phase
transitions [8,9]. Ginzburg and Landau [10] intro-
duced the idea of a superconducting order param-
eter, based on the Landau theory of second-order
phase transitions, to represent the extent of macro-
scopic phase coherence in a superfluid condensate.
In their phenomenological description of the su-
perconducting state, the thermodynamic and mag-
netic properties of a superconductor are described
by a complex position-dependent order parameter
¦ (r)=|¦ (r)|e
i' (r)
, characterized by a phase '(r)
and a modulus |¦ (r)|. The local superfluid density
(r)isequalto|¦ (r)|
, suggesting that ¦ (r)isa
wavefunction of some sort. In the Ginzburg–Landau
formalism, the total free energy of a superconductor
is expressed in terms of the order parameter ¦ (r)
and the vector potential A(r). Minimization of the
free energy with respect to variations in ¦ (r)and
A(r) leads to the two celebrated Ginzburg–Landau
differential equations.Theseequations can be solved,
with appropriate boundary conditions,to determine
the order parameter for describing the macroscopic
properties such as critical field, critical current, and
flux lattice dynamics. Thus the superconducting or-
der parameter is, in principle, defined phenomeno-
logically in the context of the Ginzburg–Landau the-
ory. There is a huge literature on the applications of
Ginzburg–Landau theory and its extensions to a va-
riety of superconducting systems [11,12].
The microscopic significance of the phenomeno-
logical Ginzburg–Landau order parameter was es-
tablished by Gor’kov [13] shortly after the publi-
cation of the BCS theory of superconductivity. He
showed that, near T
, the Ginzburg–Landau equa-
tions can be derived from the BCS theory. The
Ginzburg–Landau order parameter ¦ (r)isthen
identified with the pair wavefunction, and is propor-
tional to the energy gap (r). In principle,Ginzburg–
Landau theory is only valid in a temperature range
near T
, due to the inherent assumption that the or-
derparameter is small and slowly varying close to the
phase transition. In practice, the Ginzburg–Landau
theory is often successfully applied well beyond its
range of validity. The equivalence between the en-
ergy gap (r) and the Ginzburg–Landau order pa-
rameter is expected to be valid for all temperatures
,since the superconducting order parameter
represents the degree of long–range phase coherence
in the pair state,regardless of whether it is defined at
a phenomenological or a microscopic level.
The superconducting transition temperature, T
signals the onset of a macroscopic phase-coherent
pair state [2]. An essential condition of macro-
scopic quantum phenomena such as superfluid-
ity and superconductivity is the occurrence of off-
diagonal long-range order (ODLRO) [14]. In BCS
superconductors, the ODLRO stems from a non-
vanishing anomalous expectation value of the local
pair amplitude < ¦
(r) >, which is basically
the Ginzburg–Landau order parameter. In the mo-
mentum space representation, ODLRO corresponds
to a non-zero expectation value of < c
−k ↓
which is proportional to the gap potential (k),
the microscopic order parameter. The normal-to-
superconducting phase transition, since it involves
the onset of long-range order, is accompanied by
a lowering in symmetry. As in any second-order
phase transition, the symmetries above and below
the normal-to-superconducting state phase transi-
tion are related, since the symmetry breaking across
the transitionis continuous.Inthis context, the order