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a quantity that is measured directly in angle-resolved
photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES). The spectral
weight contains all information about electron cor-
relation effects via the renormalization parameter,
Z(k, E) and gap parameter, (k, E). The general
problem of a momentum dependent pairing inter-
action leading to a strong-coupled d-wave supercon-
ductor has not been solved self-consistently as with
Migdal–Eliashberg theory for s-wave superconduc-
tors. Consequently, calculations of A(k, !) usually
connection to the quasiparticle DOS is given by
A(k, !) ,
which can be measured in tunneling. The simplest
case scenario is to assume the tunneling matrix el-
ement is a constant, independent of energy, voltage
and momentum, and can be taken out of the sum-
mation. Performing the sum over momenta leads
directly to Eq. (15.1), with N(!)correspondingto
the full, three dimensional quasiparticle DOS in-
cluding band structure and correlation effects. How-
ever,this scenario is unrealistic. The matrix element
of Eq. (15.8) is clearly not constant and heavily
weights quasiparticle momenta normal to the bar-
rier. If both electrodes are assumed to be nearly free
electron metals with ellipsoidal Fermi surfaces, then
the dominance of contributions to the tunnel cur-
rent from near-normal incident quasiparticles leads
to a collapse of the transverse momentum sum in
Eq. (15.9). The resulting momentum sum is over k
and q
which gives the one-dimensional band struc-
ture DOS and this is canceled exactly by the group
velocity term in the matrix element. For supercon-
ducting electrodes, the resulting expression is identi-
cal to Eq. (15.1),but with the superconducting DOS,
(E) used instead of N(E). This cancelation by the
group velocity, first pointed out by Harrison, leads to
the commonly held viewthat tunneling spectroscopy
does not probe band structure effects. However, this
is a consequence of several contributing factors, and
is not necessarily true in general.
Cuprate superconductors are composed of inco-
herently coupled Cu-O layers, giving rise to a quasi
two-dimensional system and Fermi surface. Even as-
suming some weak coherent coupling which would
give rise to dispersion along the c-direction, the re-
sulting Fermi surface would have open faces perpen-
dicular to the k
-direction. For STM or point con-
tact configurations where the tip is pointing along
the c-axis of cuprate superconductors there can be
no tunneling of electrons with momenta normal to
the barrier as there are no such states on the Fermi
surface. Thus it is expected that the tunneling cur-
rent from tip to sample in an STM junction or from
Cu-O plane to Cu-O plane in an intrinsic junction is
made up of electrons with momenta transverse to the
barrier.This is quite different from conventional su-
perconducting metals discussed earlier and the key
result is that there is no cancelation of band structure
effects from the group velocity normal to the barrier.
The resulting N(E) should be the 2D density of states
in the Cu-O plane including band structure effects.
ture is the extended saddle point near the (, 0) di-
rection which gives rise to a peak, or van Hove sin-
gularity (VHS), in the DOS [28]. Tunneling data out
to very high bias voltages has provided some evi-
dence for this feature as shown in Fig. 15.9 which is
an STM tunneling conductance on a cleaved surface
of Bi2212 [29]. In addition to an asymmetric back-
ground there appears to be a broad peak in the con-
ductance centered near zero bias. It is difficult to lo-
cate the VHS peak because the superconducting gap
feature (including dip structures) is emerging out of
this background. This broad peak has a width of at
least 800 meV which is consistent with the expected
A similar broad peak is found in PCT conduc-
tances of Bi2212 measured by the Argonne tunneling
group (including some unpublished spectra, see, for
example, [30]). These are shown in Fig. 15.10 where
spectra from three different crystalswith slightly dif-
ferent oxygen dopings are presented. Again a broad
peak with a characteristic width of about 800 meV
can be inferred from the data. Yusof et al. have used
the fits of ARPES data to generate the band struc-
ture DOS for Bi2212 and this is shown in Fig. 15.11
for three different values of the quasiparticle scatter-
ing rate [31]. It is not clear what value of should
be used. Above T
the ARPES spectral weight peak