14 High-T
Superconductivity 813
possible, especially in view of the pair breaking in-
fluence of magnetic fields and magnetic impurities
established for conventional superconductors [249].
Nevertheless, the first examples of the coexistence
of antiferromagnetic order and superconductivity
were reported in the mid seventies in two classes of
compounds, the Chevrel phases (molybdenum sul-
fides and selenides) [250] and the Rhodium–Boron
compounds [251]. In these series, compounds with
rare-earth ionsoccupying regular latticesites may be
prepared. Because of the incompletely filled 4f elec-
tron shells, most of these ions carry respectable ionic
moments resulting from spin and orbital degrees of
freedom. Since these materials are metallic, it is no
surprise that these moments order spontaneously at
low temperatures via the Ruderman–Kittel–Kasuya–
Yoshida (RKKY) interaction mediated by the con-
duction electrons [252]. What is surprising here is
that both the N´eel temperature, fixing the onset of
antiferromagnetic order, and T
for superconductiv-
ity are of similar magnitude. This situation has been
studied in great detail for a number of different ma-
terials and reviews of the main results are available
in [253–255], see als chapters by Kuli´c and Buzdin in
volume one of this book.
As we mentioned in Sect. 14.2.2, some cuprates
with rare-earth ions on regular lattice sites may also
be synthesized in the classes of YBCO-123 andYBCO-
124 compounds.Most of the rare-earth elements may
be used to replace Y in these materials. At optimal
doping conditions, i.e., close to seven and eight oxy-
gen atoms per unit formula, respectively, the val-
ues of the critical temperatures of these rare-earth
cuprates are very close to those of the corresponding
Y compounds. In this sense there are no significant
pair breaking effects to speak of. The observation
of antiferromagnetic-type of ordering has been re-
ported for some of them. The ordering temperatures
are rather low and reach a maximum of approxi-
mately 2.2 K for fully oxygenated GdBCO-123 [256].
In most of theother of thesecompoundsthe ordering
sets in below 1 K [257].
It is most likely that both the coexistence phe-
nomenon and the low magnetic transition tempera-
tures are due to the rare-earth site in the YBCO-123
crystal lattice which is situated between the two es-
sential Cu-O planes (see Fig. 14.6(a)). These sites are
electronically quite well separated from the charge
carrier system in the planes and therefore have little
influence on superconductivity. Likewise the RKKY
interaction between these ions is, for the same rea-
son, rather weak. Together with the reduced num-
ber of available excited quasiparticles this implies a
priori a low ordering temperature. It turns out that
the concentration of itinerant charge carriers at the
rare-earth sites is so low that it is doubtful whether
the RKKY interaction is of any significance at all.
The N´eel temperature for antiferromagnetic order
in HoBa
is of the order of 0.1 K [258], most
likely induced by the hyperfine field of the Ho nu-
clei. This is no surprise since the CEF splitting of
the Ho
Hund’s rule J = 8 multiplet leaves a singlet
ground state and the ordered moments of approxi-
mately 2
/Ho ion turn out to be much reduced from
14.5 Physical Properties of Non-Cuprate
In this section, some selected physical properties of
superconductors with unusually high critical tem-
peratures are presented and discussed.None of them,
reaches values that exceed the boiling point of liquid
nitrogen. Nevertheless, the discovery of supercon-
ductivity of these materials and the magnitude of T
were and in some cases still are rather surprising,
and therefore of interest.
14.5.1 Ba-Based Oxides
, in spite of in principle compensating va-
lences of its chemical constituents, is metallic. The
electrical resistivity is almost temperature indepen-
dent and of the order of a few hundred §cm. Grad-
ually replacing Pb by Bi leads to a structural tran-
sition if about 10% of the Pb content is replaced
by Bi. For BaPb
, the electrical resistivity in-
creases continuously with increasing x but still stays
more or less temperature independent [51]. Accord-
ing to measurements of the Hall constant R
charge carrier concentration increases with x, pass-
ing through a maximum at x ≈ 0.25, which appears