14 High-T
Superconductivity 797
i.e., the temperature dependence of F
is linear in T
and the slope relates to the critical exponent .Aplot
of F
(T), shown in Fig. 14.45, revealsthat a tempera-
ture independent scaling exponent cannot account
for the data and therefore confirms the failure of the
3D XY model in external fields of 1 T and above. In
relation with the superconducting transition in non
zero external magnetic fields it has been realized,also
on the basis of the C(T, H) data presented above,that
the reduced anomalies are due to some crossover
phenomenon rather than a true phase transition.
Guided by theoretical insight [157] a distinct phase
transition of firstorder hasthen be identified by high
resolution measurements of thermodynamical prop-
erties, such as the magnetization [158,159] and the
specific heat [160,161], both as a function of tem-
perature in static magnetic fields. Relevant C(T, H)
data [162] is shown in Fig. 14.46. The first order na-
ture of the transitionis confirmed by the observation
of discontinuities in the magnetization at the same
temperatures where the C(T) anomalies occur, re-
questing the release of some latent heat on general
grounds. The transition is believed to be associated
with the ensemble of the vortices of the mixed state.
Transport Below T
(a) Resistivity
As has already been pointed out above, the zero field
resistive transition is significantly influencedby fluc-
tuation effects,particularly in those cases where the
anisotropy parameter is large. It is also interesting
to note that in the temperature range where the in-
plane resistivity
exhibits the fluctuation induced
paraconductivity, often a substantial increase of the
out of plane resistivity
is observed [163],i.e., atT
/∂T is negative. An example of this feature, ob-
served for Bi-2212,is shown in Fig. 14.47. Neverthe-
less,evenin these cases,
vanishesin a narrowrange
of temperature,confirming that even for large values
of , superconductivity is still a 3D phenomenon.
Quite unusual, at least in comparison with com-
mon superconductors, is the influence of external
magnetic fields on the resistive transition. First we
consider the influence of external magnetic fields,
oriented along the c-axis, on the in plane charge
transport, i.e.,
(T,H). It may be seen from
Fig. 14.48, where results of measurements [164] of
the in plane resistivity of Bi-2212 are presented, that
an increasing field H does not simply shift the tran-
sition to lower temperatures. Instead, the decrease of
occursin atemperaturerange of increasing width
and from these data it is not a priori clear, where
the resistivity actually vanishes. The extension of the
temperature range of the resistivity drop is partic-
ularly large, if the anisotropy parameter is large, as
in this case. This diagram confirms the above men-
tioned view that a rigorous definition of the upper
critical field H
from resistivity data is difficult. It
turns out that again these features are intimately re-
latedto the behavior of the vortices in themixedstate.
Naturally also
(T) is strongly affected by external
magnetic fields. In Fig. 14.49 it may be seen that, be-
cause of the magnetic field shifted transition,
Bi-2212 continues to increase with decreasing tem-
perature, confirming the characteristically different
chargetransport in the two differentcrystallographic
directions [163]. Also here, the subsequent drop of
the resistivity is rather gradual, indicating a cross
over behaviorrather than a distinctphase transition.
Fig. 14.47. Anisotropy of the temperature dependence of
theelectricalresistivities of single crystallineBi-2212,mea-
sured in theabplane(
)andalongthec-axis (
tively. Note the different scales for
(see [163])