16 Phase-Sensitive Tests of Pairing Symmetry in Cuprate Superconductors 883
ideal expressions.They attributed this discrepancy to
asymmetries in the current densities in the junctions
and flux trapping, and reported good agreement
with modeling including these effects [6]. However,
qualitatively similar interference patterns have been
reported for square [113] and annular [114–116]
Josephson junctions with a single vortex trapped in
them. The Illinois group reported that symmetric
interference patterns, with minima at zero applied
field, such as they observe, cannot be reproduced in
modeling with an s-wavesuperconductorin their ge-
ometry. In addition, it seems unlikely that magnetic
flux consistently trappedin the Illinois“corner”junc-
tions in sucha way as to mimic d-wave superconduc-
In an experiment analogousto the Illinois“corner”
single junction experiments, Miller et al. [117] used
frustrated thin-film tricrystal samples to probe the
pairing symmetry in YBCO. The tricrystal geometry
will be discussed in detail in the next section. Miller
et al. measured the dependence on magnetic field
of the critical current of a 3m wide micro bridge
spanning the tricrystal point. They found a mini-
mum in the critical current at zero applied field, as
expected for a d-wave superconductor in this geom-
etry, in the “short junction” limit (where the width
W of the bridge is much shorter than the Josephson
penetration depth
[100] (seeFig.16.7).They found
that junctions in an unfrustrated geometry, or wide
junctions (L
) in a frustrated geometry, showed
maxima in their critical currents at zero magnetic
fields [102], as expected.
16.3.3 Tricrystal Magnetometry
Controlled-Orientation Multi-Crystals
In this class of experiments, a multiple-junctionring
is made, consisting of deliberately oriented cuprate
crystals that define the direction of the pair wave-
function. The presence or absence of the half-integer
flux quantum effect in such samples as a function
of the tricrystal geometry is used as an unambigu-
ous signature for a certain pairing symmetry. In the
first such phase-sensitive experiment of this type
for testing the d-wave pairing symmetry, tricrys-
tal (100) SrTiO
substrates with controlled orien-
tations were designed and fabricated (Fig. 16.11).
The c-axis oriented epitaxial cuprate films were de-
posited and photolithographically patterned into
rings (Fig. 16.12). The ring centered at the tricrystal
meetingpoint isinterruptedbythreegrainboundary
Josephson junctions.In accordance with an assumed
pair state, the three-junction ring is expected to ex-
hibit conventional integer flux quantization (0-ring)
or the half-integer flux quantum effect (-ring) de-
pending on the misorientation angles ˛
, ˛
the angle ˇ between the grain boundaries 23 and
31 as defined in Fig. 16.11(a). For testing of d-wave
pairing symmetry, based on the Sigrist–Rice (clean)
formula (16.9), the three-junction ring is a 0-ring if
cos 2(˛
−ˇ) is positive (with the con-
dition ˛
= /2−˛
assumed for simplicity), and
a -ring if cos2(˛
−ˇ) is negative.In
Fig. 16.11(b), the tricrystal design parameters range
, ˇ) for -rings (which can be thought of as hav-
’s) are
plotted as open area; and that for 0-rings (an even
number of sign changes) are shown in the shaded
areas.As emphasized in Sect.16.2.1, the effect of dis-
order at the junction interface must be considered
in the design of any viable phase-sensitive experi-
ment. It can be shown (16.10) [87] that in the max-
imum disorder limit the three-junction ring is a -
ring if cos(2˛
− ˛
) is negative.
The design parameter space for the d-wave 0 and
-ring configuration with maximum disorder taken
into account is shown in Fig. 16.11(c).
The design parameters selected for the origi-
nal tricrystal phase-sensitive experiment [87] were
, ˛
,andˇ =60
(Fig. 16.12), corre-
sponding to the solid dot in Figs. 16.11(b) (the clean
limit) and 16.11(c) (the dirty limit), well within the
bounds of the d-wave -ring regime. If a cuprate
under the symmetry test is indeed a d-wave super-
conductor, such tricrystal rings should show half-
integer flux quantization, regardless of whether the
junction interface is in the clean or dirty limit. The
cuprate superconductors is expected to fall some-
where in between. Tricrystal rings with design pa-
rameters located within the 0-ring regime (shaded
areas in Figs. 16.11(b) and 16.11(c)) should display