3 Electron–Phonon Superconductivity 75
with the discovery of the Meissner–Ochsenfeld ef-
fect [16], and the understanding that this implied
that the superconducting state was a thermodynamic
phase [17]. During this time a few attempts were
made at proposing a mechanism for superconduc-
tivity (see, for example, [18]), but, by 1950, when
London’s book [19] appeared, nothing concerning
mechanism was really known [20].
In 1950 several important developments took
place [21]; first, two independent isotope effect mea-
surements were performed on Hg [22, 23], which
indicated that the superconducting transition was
intimately related to the lattice, probably through
the electron–phonon interaction.These experiments
were allthemoreremarkablebecause in 1922 Kamer-
ling Onnes and Tuyn had lookedfor an isotope effect
in superconducting Pb, and, within the experimental
accuracy of the time, had found no effect [24].
Secondly, Fr¨ohlich [25] adopted, for the first
time, a field-theoretical approach to problems in
condensed matter. In particular, he studied the
electron–phonon interaction in metals, and demon-
strated, through second order perturbation theory,
that electrons exhibit an effective attractive interac-
tion through the phonons. Although the theory as
formulated was incomplete,it did lay the foundations
for subsequent work. In fact one of the essential fea-
troduction [25]: “Nor is it accidental that very good
conductors do not become superconductors, for the
required relatively strong interaction between elec-
trons and lattice vibrationsgives rise to large normal
resistivity”. His theory correctly produced an iso-
tope effect (recognized in a Note Added in Proof ),
and, moreover, foreshadowed the discovery of the
perovskite superconductors, by suggesting that the
number of free electrons per atom shouldbereduced.
After hearing about the isotope effect measure-
ments, Bardeen also formulated a theory of su-
perconductivity based on the electron–phonon in-
teraction, wherein he determined the ground state
energy variationally [26]. Both of these theories
failed to properly explain superconductivity, essen-
tially because they focussed on the single-electron
self-energies, rather than the two-electron instabil-
ity [21]. Another breakthrough occurred a little later
when Fr¨ohlich [27] used a self-consistent method
to determine an energy lowering proportional to
exp (−1/), where is the dimensionless electron-
phonon coupling constant. This showed how essen-
tial singularities could enter the problem, and why
no perturbation expansion in would succeed in
this problem (although in fact the energy lowering is
due to a Peierls instability, notsuperconductivity).
A parallel development meanwhile had been tak-
ing place in the problem of electron propagation in
polar crystals, i.e. the study of polarons. In fact, this
problemdatesbacktoatleast1933 [28],whenLandau
first introduced the idea of a“polarization”cloud due
to the ions surrounding an electron, which, among
other things, renormalized its properties. Fr¨ohlich
also addressed this problem, first in 1937 [29], and
then again in 1950 [30]. Lee, Low and Pines [31]
subsequently took up the problem, also using field-
theoretic techniques, to provide a solution to the in-
termediate coupling polaron problem. This problem
was taken on later by Feynman [32], then by Hol-
stein and others [33], along with many others to the
present day. In fact, as described in the Appendix,
a small group of physicists continues to emphasize
polaron physics as being critical to high temperature
superconductivity in the perovskites.
Pines, having worked with Bohm on electron-
electron interactions, and having just used field-
theoretic techniques in the polaron problem, now
combined with Bardeen to derive an effective
electron–electron interaction, taking into account
both electron–electron interactions and lattice de-
grees of freedom [34]. The result was the effective
interaction Hamiltonian between two electrons with
wave vectors k and k
and energies
(k − k
+ k
(k − k
(k − k
where k
is the Thomas-Fermi wave vector, and !(q)
is the dressed phonon frequency.Equation(3.1) is an
effective interaction; a more formal and general ap-
proach, utilizing Green functions, will be given later.
Nonetheless, it is clear that this effective interaction