3 Electron–Phonon Superconductivity 77
developed more general methods, later to be adapted
to inhomogeneous superconductivity by de Gennes
[41]. Finally, Gor’kov [42] developed a Green func-
tion method, from which both the BCS results, and
the Ginzburg–Landau phenomenology [43] could be
derived, near the transition temperature, T
TheGor’kov formalism proved to be themost use-
ful,for the purposes of generalizing BCS theory (with
its model effective interaction) to the case where the
electron–phonon interaction is properly taken into
account in the superconducting state. This was done
by Eliashberg [1], as well as Nambu [2], and later
partially by Morel and Anderson [3] and more com-
pletely by Schrieffer and coworkers [4,44,45].Around
the same time tunneling became a very useful spec-
troscopic probe of the superconducting state [46];
besides providing an excellent measure of the gap
in a superconductor, it also revealed the fine de-
tail of the electron–phonon interaction [47], to such
an extent that tunneling data could be “inverted”to
tell us about the underlying electron–phonon in-
teractions [48]. These developments have been well
documented in the Parks treatise [49]. In particu-
lar retardation effects are covered in the articles by
Scalapino [13] and McMillan and Rowell [50]. An
interesting historical perspective is provided in the
article by Anderson [51].
In the meantime, developments in our under-
standing of the polaron were occurring in parallel.
The problem of phonon-mediatedsuperconductivity
and the problem of the impact of electron–phonon
interactions on a single electron are obviously re-
lated,but,after the initial work by Fr¨ohlich and Pines
and coworkers, the two fields seem to have parted
ways. Indeed, an excellent summary of the status of
polarons at that time is [52], where, however, there is
essentially no “cross-talk” with the theory of super-
conductivity. Similarly, in the treatise by Parks [49]
there is essentially no discussion of polarons (only
p.684),where,however,the polaron concept is simply
dismissed from a discussion of metals),in spite of the
fact that the “polaron”really is the essential building
block of the BCS theory of superconductivity. So, for
example, a perusal of the index of the classic texts on
superconductivity,by Schrieffer [44],Blatt [54],Rick-
ayzen [55],de Gennes [41],and Tinkham [56] reveals
not a single entry [57]. The reason for this is that the
electron–phonon coupling strength in all known su-
perconductors was deemed to be sufficiently weak
that the only effect on normal state properties was a
slightly increased electron effective mass. Thus, the
electronic state is presumed to be well described by
Fermi Liquid Theory, upon which the BCS theory
(and its modifications) is based. It is important to
keep this in mind; for this reason we will refrain from
referring to Eliashberg theory as a strong coupling
theory (we ourselves have used this term in the past).
Eliashberg theory goes beyond BCS theory because it
includes retardation effects;however,it is still a weak
coupling theory, in the sense that the Fermi energy is
the dominant energy, and the quasiparticle picture
remains intact.
We make this distinction because in recent years
polaron theory has experienced a renaissance, and
some attempts to explain high temperature super-
conductivity have utilized polaron and bipolaron
concepts. The bipolaron is simply a bound state of
two polarons, analogous to the Cooper pair, except
that the latter requires a Fermi sea to exist (at least
in three dimensions) whereas the former exists as a
tightly bound pair in the absence of a Fermi sea. In
this respect bipolaron theories resemble the quasi-
chemical theory advocated by Schafroth and cowork-
ers [54,58] in the 1950s.Tightly bound electron pairs
are now recognized as the strong coupling limit of
the BCS ground state; the transition to the normal
state is, however, governed by very different (and as
yet undetermined) excitations compared to BCS the-
ory. We will refer to some of this work in the course
of this chapter.
To complete this brief historical tour, we should
add that in 1964, with the suggestion of a theo-
rist [59], what has emerged as a new class of su-
perconductors was discovered [60]. The actual su-
perconducting compound was doped Strontium Ti-
tanate (SrTiO
),a perovskite with low carrierdensity.
This compound,along with BaPb
doped perovskite discovered in 1975 [61] witha tran-
sition temperature of 12 K, were the precursors to
the modern high temperature superconductors dis-
covered by Bednorz and M¨uller [7]. In fact, with for-