13 Unconventional Superconductivity in Novel Materials 715
mately constant and 1/T
approaches the expected
intrinsic value. In the organic metals, the hydrogen
nucleus has a relatively weak coupling to the conduc-
tion electrons residing in the spatially distant ET lay-
ers. Therefore, the relaxation due to the moving flux
lines easily dominates. This is in contrast to the sit-
uation for the cuprate superconductors, where very
large relaxation rates due to the conduction electrons
occur that mask the flux-line effect.
After realizing this important additional relax-
ation channel, NMR experiments were performed
with the magnetic field aligned within the ET lay-
local probe since they are located in the center of the
ET molecules,closer to the itinerant-electron system.
Three groups almost simultaneously reported com-
parable results [501–503], two of which are shown
schematically in Fig. 13.80. There are several marked
differences between the experimental results and the
behavior fora BCS superconductor(shown as a solid
line) [523]. First, the coherence peak just below T
is absent (although this is not conclusive evidence
for unconventional superconductivity, as mentioned
above). Second, 1/T
follows a T
dependence that
provides strong evidence for a node-like structure of
the energy gap. The rapid decrease of 1/T
just be-
low T
suggests a very fast gap opening, i.e., much
faster than is realized for a conventional supercon-
ductor. One should bear in mind, however, that all
of the NMR experiments were performed in an ap-
plied magnetic field, which might influence the gap
structure even if the vortex dynamics can be ne-
In light of the controversial issue of the symme-
try of the superconducting gap in the 2D organic
superconductors, all of the above measurements as
well as the specific-heat measurements discussed
below provide no information about the detailed
nodetopology.Therefore,the recentattempts to mea-
sure the possible anisotropy of the order parame-
ter directly received particular attention. The first
report of gap nodes in -(ET)
[524] was
argued to be a misinterpretation of the millimeter-
wave magneto-optical data [525,526]. In other work,
scanning-tunneling spectroscopy (STM) was utilized
to measure the in-plane anisotropy of the supercon-
ducting gap [527]. The STM tip was placed on vari-
ous as-grown or in-air prepared surfaces perpendic-
ular to the interlayer direction.Strongly anisotropic
current–voltage spectra were recorded, which were
interpreted as being consistent with d-wave pairing.
In line with this result, thermal-conductivity mea-
surements in applied magnetic fields revealed a four-
fold symmetry of the electronic contribution to the
thermal conductivity [528]. Interestingly, however,
these two experiments disagree on the node direc-
tions in -(ET)
. One should further keep
in mind that both experiments can only manifest an
asymmetry of their signals but cannot verify real zero
points of the energy gap. Furthermore, STM investi-
gations are naturally extremely sensitive to surface
states and should, therefore, be performed on well-
characterized surfaces. Finally, the thermal conduc-
tivity due to quasiparticle excitation had to be mea-
sured in an applied magnetic field leading to similar
difficulties as mentioned for the NMR experiments
The proposed zero-field nodes of the supercon-
ducting gap should result in power-law temperature
dependences of the thermal conductivity and the
specific heat and finite values at T = 0. Indeed, in
one thermal-conductivity study a small residual lin-
ear contribution was reported [529]; however, it is
questionable whether the chosen extrapolation from
above ∼ 0.18 K towards low temperatures, assuming
a linear electronic and cubic phonon contribution,
is justifiedor not. Recent thermal-conductivity mea-
surements showed that the phonon-scattering length
down to lowest temperatures (T =0.25K) is strongly
influenced by quasiparticle scattering preventing the
evolution of the T
dependence expected for sample-
boundary scattering of phonons [530]. Therefore,
further studies are needed to clarify this issue.
Specific heat, C, is a powerful technique for de-
termining whether the superconducting energy gap
goes to zero at nodes on the Fermi surface. If the
quasiparticle contribution to the specific heat, C
vanishes with an exponential temperature depen-
dence in the superconducting state, nodes in the en-
ergy gapcan be ruled outunequivocally.On the other
hand, a power-law in T dependence of C
that line or point nodes may be present. However, a