8 Quasiclassical Theory of Superconductivity 307
Fig. 8.6. Density of states N(E, X) normalized to the nor-
mal state density of states N
for a one-dimensional wire
of length L,asafunctionofE/E
and position x along the
wire. The superconducting reservoir is at x =1.0, and the
normal reservoir is at x = 0. The density of states is sup-
pressed at low energies near the superconducting reservoir
which the minimum in resistance occurs is also
shifted down.
From Eq.(8.194),the normalized density of states
N(E) can be expressed in terms of as
. (8.236)
Figure 8.6 shows the density of states as a function of
energy and position along the wireof length L.There
is a proximity-induced decrease of N(E)nearthesu-
perconducting reservoir. In fact, at the NS interface,
there is a divergence in N(E) at the gap energy, and
it goes to zero at E = 0, just as one would expect for
a superconductor. However, unlike a superconduc-
tor, it is not strictly zero for E < ,butstillhasa
finite amplitude. As one moves away from the NS in-
terfaceinto the proximity-coupled normal wire,both
the amplitude of this effective gap and the divergence
are smoothly reduced,so that at the normal reservoir,
one recovers the normal density of states. This posi-
tion dependent variation of the density of states has
been observed in experiments [35].
In our analysis above of the proximity effect in a
normal metal coupled to a superconductor,we have
ignored the effects of electron decoherence on the
proximity correction.Phase coherence is essential to
observing the proximity effect; if the phase coher-
ence length L
is less than the length of the sample
L, a finite spatial cutoff of the proximity effect is in-
troduced.Phenomenologically,this can be taken into
account by saying that the length of the wire is now
instead of L.SinceL
is typically of the order of
a few microns even at low temperatures, this sets the
dimensions of the samples that are required to ob-
serve this mesoscopic proximity effect.
While L
sets the upper cutoff for observing the
proximity effect, a second relevant length scale for
the problem can be obtained by considering the
length at which E
is equal to k
, (8.237)
where L
is called variously the thermal diffusion
length or the Thouless length, again from the theory
of disordered metals, where it also occurs [32]. (We
put in here explicitly the factor of .) In fact, here it
is simply the diffusive form of the superconducting
coherence length in the normal metal, familiar from
the de Gennes/Ginzburg–Landau theory of the prox-
imity effect [34], which in the clean limit is given by
. (8.238)
At low temperatures, when L
is longer than L,the
superconducting correlations induced in the normal
metal extend throughout its length. At higher tem-
peratures, they are restricted to a region of length L
near the superconductor. L
is also on the order of
a few microns in typical metallic samples in acces-
sible temperature regimes, so it also sets a limit on
the dimensions of the samples in which one can see
a proximity effect.
To calculate the thermal conductance of the wire,
we proceed from Eq. (8.230a). We now consider a
small temperature differential T applied across the
wire. Expanding h
in a first-order Taylor’s expan-
sion, as we did for h