7 Nanostructured Superconductors 277
neighboring Rutgers group, particularly with Pe-
ter Lindenfeld and the late William McLean, and
their students and post docs, amongst them Tom
Worthington and Tom Filler. At Tel Aviv Univer-
sity, Moshe Dayan, David Bergman, Henri Fenichel,
Alexander Gerber, Meir Gershenson, Ilan Grave, En-
rique Grunbaum, Y. Imry, Zvi Ovadyahu, Michael
Rappaport, Yoash Shapira, O. Entin Wohlman all
made important contributions.Inspiring discussions
with the late Shlomo Alexander took place on a per-
manent basis. I take the opportunity to express my
sincere gratitude to all of them. It is known that our
work on granular Aluminium was one of the triggers
that prompted Alex Muller to look for high tempera-
ture superconductivity in oxides.This may well have
been the most important outcome of this work.
This work was supported by the Oren Family
Chair for Experimental Solid State Physics.
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