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Incontrast to disorder-averagedproperties,theef-
fect of a single magnetic impurity on the local elec-
tronic structure of an s-wave superconductor were
first studied in the mid 1960s by Lu [5], Shiba [6],
and Rusinov [7]. They demonstrated that the pair-
breaking nature of a magnetic impurity leads to the
formation of a fermionic bound state,whose spectro-
scopic signature in the local density of states (LDOS)
are peaks at energies below the superconducting gap.
Experimental advances in scanning tunneling mi-
croscopy (STM) since the early 1990s, made it pos-
sible to directly test these predictions by measuring
the LDOS in the vicinity of single magnetic and non-
magnetic impurities. In high-resolution STM exper-
iments, Yazdani et al. [8] showed that when a mag-
superconductor Nb, a fermionic bound states is in-
duced in its vicinity whose energy lies inside the su-
perconducting gap. In contrast, the LDOS around a
non-magneticAuatom doesnotexhibitthesignature
of a fermionic bound state. These results confirmed
the predictions by Anderson [1] and Abrikosov and
Gorkov [2,3], as well as those by Lu [5], Shiba [6] and
Rusinov [7] on an atomic length scale.
ductors has spurred a significant theoretical [9–24]
and experimental [25–28] interest in the study of sin-
gle impurity effects in these materials. The reasons
for this profound interest are twofold. First, the un-
conventional d
-wave symmetry of the cuprate
superconductors implies that magnetic as well as
non-magnetic impurities are pair-breaking, thus in-
duce fermionic resonance states and hence possess
a dramatic effect on the properties of the super-
conducting state. In addition, due to the d
symmetry of the superconducting order parameter,
the spatial form of the resonance states is highly
anisotropic. This spatial anisotropy in turn is an im-
portant experimental tool for identifying the sym-
metry of unconventional superconductors in general.
Second, by perturbing the local electronic structure
of a superconductor, impurities can provide insight
into the still elusive microscopicmechanism of high-
temperature superconductivity, which is a topic of
ongoing scientific debate. For example,it was argued
that impurities can provide insight into the nature
of collective excitations in the cuprates [29–31], and
might even be able to reveal the nature of the bosonic
pairing mode giving rise to high-temperature super-
conductivity [32]. Moreover, it was recently shown
that quantum interference effects due to scattering of
multiple impurities yield information on the spatial
and frequency dependence of the superconducting
correlations [33–37] (for a more comprehensive dis-
cussion of impurity effects in superconductors, we
refer the reader to the excellent review by Balatsky,
Vekhter and Zhu [24]).
In contrast to the type of impurities studied in
superconductors, molecules possess internal vibra-
tional or rotational modes whose effects on metallic
surfaces have been extensively investigated in the
context of inelastic electron tunneling spectroscopy
(for a recent review, see [38]) Starting with the study
of trapped (i.e., localized) phonon modes at inter-
faces [39, 40], it was shown that molecular modes
lead to a step-like feature in the LDOS, and a peak
in its first derivative, at the mode frequency [41–43].
spatial pattern of the LDOS around a large Lander
molecule is determined by quantum interference be-
tween electrons that are scattered by different parts
of the molecule [45]. Such a molecule therefore rep-
resents a molecular nanostructure in which spatially
separated localized bosonic modes interact with
conduction electrons giving rise to novel quantum
interference effects.
Over the last few years, a new research direction
has emerged in which ordered nanoscale impurity
structures, so-called quantum corrals, are used to
reveal the wavelike nature of electrons in condensed
matter systems [46–51]. Nanostructures are suitable
for this task since their length scale is of the same or-
der as the typical wavelength of electrons, ∼ 1/k
is the Fermi wave-vector). In a groundbreaking
experiment,Manoharan et al.[48] demonstrated that
electronic waves, similar to light waves, can be used
to form quantum images. In this experiment, an el-
liptical quantum corral consisting of magnetic Co
atoms, was placed on a metallic Cu(111) surface. An
additional Co atom was placed in one of the foci of
the ellipse, while the other focus was left empty. At
low temperature, Manoharan et al. observed Kondo-