196 M.L. Kuli´candA.I.Buzdin
dicted to exist in the dirty limit. In the clean limit
it disappears [91], the spin-orbit and magnetic scat-
tering also destroy this effect. Up to now there have
been no reports on its experimental observation.
The proximity effect is related to the passing of
electronsacross the superconductor/ferromagnet in-
terface.In addition to this effect,if the magnetic field,
created by the ferromagnet, penetrates into the su-
perconductor, it switches on the orbital interaction
between the superconductivity and ferromagnetism.
This situation is naturally realized in the case when
the ferromagnet is an insulator or the buffer oxide
layer separates the superconductor and the ferro-
magnet. In such a case the ferromagnet plays the
role of an additional source of the local magnetic
field.In particular the nucleation of superconductiv-
ity in the presence of a domain structure occurs near
the domain walls [92].Hybrid S/F systems have been
intensively studied in connection with the problem
of the controlled flux pinning. Enhancement of the
critical current has been observed experimentally
for superconductingfilms with arrays of sub-micron
magnetic dots and antidots. There is an excellent re-
view on these questions related to the electromag-
netic interaction of superconductivity and magnetic
dots [65].
During the last five years an enormous progress in
the controllable fabrication of the superconductor-
ferromagnet heterostructures has been achieved.
The peculiar effects predicted theoretically were ob-
served experimentally resulting in the qualitative
and semiquantitative understanding of the mecha-
nism of the superconductivity and ferromagnetism
interplay in S/F systems.Now,this domain of research
enters into a period when the design of the new types
of the devices becomes feasible and we may expect a
lot of interesting finding in the near future.
4.7 Conclusion
The rare earth ternary compounds are rich physical
systems that allow the study of the coexistence of
singlet superconductivity and various magnetic or-
ders,such as ferromagnetic, antiferromagnetic,weak
ferromagnetism. It turns out that in bulk materials
superconductivity and ferromagnetism practically
never coexist.However,the singlet superconductivity
modifies the ferromagnetic order into a spiral or do-
main structure (depending on magnetic anisotropy),
thus allowing their coexistence. This is realized not
only in rare earth ternary compounds but also in
, where a modified nuclear ferromagnetism,
spiral or domain-like structure,coexists with singlet
Although the antiferromagnetic order and super-
conductivitycoexist much easier,these systems show
a peculiar behavior in the presence of non-magnetic
impurities, which surprisingly act as pair-breakers.
In the case when the antiferromagnetic order is ac-
companied by the weak ferromagnetism new coexis-
tence phases appear; the Meissner and spontaneous
vortex states. Magnetic superconductors show pecu-
liarbehavior in the magneticfield.Near the magnetic
critical temperature the upper critical field tends to
zero faster than the thermodynamical field,thus giv-
ing rise to the first order transition. Various phases
are possible in the H − T diagram depending on the
purity and demagnetization effects of real samples.
The lower critical field is weakly affected by the ex-
change field (which is due to localized moments). A
specificity of ferromagnetic superconductors is that
the surface energy can be positive but the vortex state
is still thermodynamically stable.
The Josephson junctions based on bulk ferromag-
netic superconductors with spiral order are charac-
terized by the superconducting and magnetic phase.
This opens possibilities for a new kind of coupled
qubits in a single Josephson junction. The triplet
pairing amplitude, arising in systems with rotating
magnetization, gives rise to the -Josephson junc-
tion and spin current, which can be tuned by chang-
ing the magnetic phase and chirality.
The coexistenceof singlet superconductivity with
ferromagnetism may beeasily achieved inartificially
fabricated layered ferromagnet/superconductors
systems.Dueto the proximity effect,the Cooper pairs
can penetrate into the F layer and induce supercon-
ductivity there. The peculiarity is that in the ferro-
magnetic metal the induced superconducting ampli-
tude oscillates spatially giving rise to a number of
novel effects (not existing in S/N systems) such as