1272 E.W. Carlson et al.
Uemura relation as T
→ 0, and preliminary data
supports this expectation [305]. This is clearly an
area which warrants further focused theoretical and
experimental investigation.
Experimental Signatures of Phase Fluctuations
In YBCO, 3DXY critical fluctuations have been ob-
served in the superfluid density within 10% of T
of the superfluid density below and near T
is gov-
erned by phase fluctuations. It needs to be stressed
that in conventional superconductors, such fluctua-
tions that are seen are Gaussian in character—that is
they involve fluctuations of both the amplitude and
the phase of the order parameter.(An interesting way
to identify separate Gaussian and phase fluctuation
regimes in YBCO is presented in [307] (f. a recent
analysis of the doping dependence of
see [307]).
See also [79].) The purely critical phase fluctuations
observed in YBCO are entirely different.
Over a broader range of temperatures, in order
to detect signatures of superconducting fluctuations,
one needs to find the most sensitive possible probe
of local superconductivity.Fluctuation conductivity
has been the method of choice in conventional su-
perconductors.However,this is generally a small cor-
rection to the normal-state conductivity,and so can
only be clearly identified when the normal contri-
bution, which is a large “background” signal, is ex-
tremely well understood. No unambiguous division
intonormaland fluctuation contributionsto the con-
ductivity has been made for the cuprates. Fluctua-
tion diamagnetism is a more promising method, as
the normal state magnetic response is miniscule. Re-
cently,Li et al. [308] and Wang et al.[309]have mea-
sured fluctuation diamagnetism in a broad range of
temperatures above T
(up to several times T
both LSCO an BSCCO. Indeed, many of the striking
features of the B and T dependences of the magne-
tization (especially in BSCCO) are well reproduced
by the theory of 2D superconducting phase fluctua-
tions [310].On this basis,Wang et al.[311] were able
to infer a crossover scale associated with the onset of
detectable superconducting correlations, something
like T
in Fig. 21.12, which rises to a maximum
value several times T
at x ∼ 1/8, and then decreases,
probably extrapolating to 0 only atvaluesof x smaller
than the minimum for superconductivity.Moreover,
the fluctuationdiamagnetism corresponds closely to
an anomalous contribution to the Nernst effect, the
“vortex Nernst effect”, which had earlier been iden-
tified [312,313] as a signature of phase fluctuations.
At low temperature (as low as T = 1K [314]),
the superfluid density is a linearly decreasing func-
tion of temperature [9].While this linear behavior is
generally believed to be the result of quasi-particle
fluctuations of an order parameter with nodes, it is
difficult [148,151,315,316] from this perspective to
understand why the slope is nearly independent of
x and of
. This feature of the data is naturally
explained if it is assumed that the linear temperature
dependence, too, arises from classical phase fluctua-
tions,but then it is hard to understand [284,317] why
quantum effects would not quench these fluctuations
at such low temperatures.
21.9 Lessons from Weak Coupling
21.9.1 Perturbative RG Approach in D > 1
In recent years, Fermi liquid theory, and with it the
characterization of the BCS instability, has been re-
cast in the language of a perturbative renormal-
ization group (RG) treatment. We will adopt this
approach as we reconsider the conventional BCS-
Eliashberg theory of the phonon mediated mech-
anism of superconductivity in simple metals. In
particular, we are interested in exploring the inter-
play between a short ranged instantaneous electron-
electron repulsion of strength and a retarded at-
traction (which we can think of as being mediated
by the exchange of phonons) of strength ,which
operates only below a frequency scale !
we will make use of a perturbative expression for
the beta function which is valid only for and
small compared to 1, the results are nonperturbative
in the sense that we will recover the nonanalytic be-
havior of the pairing scale, T
mean field theory. The results are valid for any rela-
tive strength of / and, moreover, the corrections
due to higher order terms in the beta function are