21 Concepts in High Temperature Superconductivity 1261
21.7.2 Is an Insulating Spin L iquid Ground State
Possible in D > 1?
Is this simply angels dancing on the head of a pin?
The most basic theoretical issue concerning the ap-
plicability of the fractionalization idea is whether a
spin liquid state occurs at all in D > 1. The typical
consequence of the Mott physics is an antiferromag-
netically ordered (“spin crystalline”) state, especially
the N´eel state, which indeed occurs at x =0inthe
cuprates. Moreover, the most straightforward quan-
tum disordering of an antiferromagnet will lead to
a spin Peierls state, rather than a spin liquid, as was
elegantly demonstrated by Haldane [220] and Read
and Sachdev [71]. Indeed, despite many heroic ef-
forts, the theoretical “proof of principle,” i.e. a theo-
retically tractable microscopic model with plausible
short range interactions which exhibits a spin liquid
ground state phase, was difficult to achieve.A liquid
is an intermediate phase, between solid and gas, and
so cannot readily be understood in a strong or weak
coupling limit [80].
Very recently, Moessner and Sondhi [79] have
managed to demonstrate just this point of principle!
They have considered a model [70] on a triangular
lattice (thus returning very closely to the original
proposal of Anderson) which is a bit of a caricature
in the sense that the constituents are not single elec-
trons, but rather valence bonds (hard core dimers),
much in the spirit pioneered by Pauling.
The model
is sufficiently well motivated microscopically,and the
spin liquidcharacter robust enough,that it is reason-
ableto declarethespin liquid a theoretical possibility.
The spin liquid state of Moessner and Sondhi does
not break any obvious symmetry.
Spin liquids are fragile.
That said, the difficulty in finding such a spin liquid
ground state in model calculations is still a telling
point.A time reversal invariant insulating state can-
not beadiabatically connectedto a problemofnonin-
teracting quasiparticles with an effectiveband struc-
—band insulators always have an even number
of electrons per unit cell.Thus,an insulating spin liq-
uid is actually quite an exotic state ofmatter.Presum-
ably, it only occurs when all more obvious types of
ordered states are frustrated, i.e. those which break
spinrotational symmetry,translational symmetry,or
both. The best indications at present are that this oc-
curs in an exceedingly small corner of model space,
and that consequently spin liquids are likely to be
rather delicate phenomena, if they occur at all in
nature. This, in our opinion, is the basic theoreti-
cal reason for discarding this appealing idea in the
cuprates,where high temperature superconductivity
is an amazingly robust phenomenon.
The cuprates appear to be doped spin crystals, not
doped spin liquids.
One could still imagine that the insulating state is
magnetically ordered, as indeed it is in the cuprates,
but that upon doping, once the magnetic order is
suppressed, the system looks more like a doped spin
liquid than a doped antiferromagnet. In this con-
text, there are a number of phenomenological points
about thecupratesthat strongly discourage this view-
point. In the first place, the undoped system is not
only an ordered antiferromagnet, it is a nearly clas-
sical one: its ground state and elementary excita-
tion spectrum [221–224] are quantitatively under-
stood using lowest order spin wave theory.
state is as far from a spin liquid as can be imag-
ined! Moreover, even in the doped system, spin glass
and other types of magnetic order are seen to per-
sist up to (and even into) the superconducting state,
often with frozen moments with magnitude compa-
rable to the ordered moments in the undoped sys-
tem[224,227–229].These andother indications show
that the doped system“remembers”that it is a doped
antiferromagnet, rather a doped spin liquid.
Indeed, it is tempting to interpret the dimer model as the strong coupling, high density limit of a fluid of Cooper
pairs [70].
This work was,to some extent,anticipated in studies of large N generalizations of the Heisenberg antiferromagnet [71].
In a time reversal symmetry broken state, the band structure need not exhibit the Kramer’s degeneracy, so that a weak
coupling state with an odd number of electrons per unit cell is possible.
Recent experiments on La
at x =1/8 [225] are in agreement with spin wave calculations [226] throughout
the entire measured energy range.