21 Concepts in High Temperature Superconductivity 1233
in one direction but not in others. We will refer to
charge stripe order, if the broken symmetry leads to
charge density modulations and spin stripe order if
the broken symmetry leads to spin density modula-
tions, as well. Charge stripe order can occur without
spin order, but spin order (in a sense that will be
made precise,below) implies charge order [45].Both
are known on theoretical and experimental grounds
to be a prominent feature of doped Mott insulators
in general, and the high temperature superconduc-
tors in particular [6,46–51].Each of these orders can
occur in an insulating, metallic, or superconducting
In recent years there has been considerable the-
oretical interest in other types of order that could
be induced by strong interactions. From the perspec-
tive of stripe phases, it is natural to consider various
partially melted “stripe liquid” phases, and to clas-
sify such phases, in analogy with the classification of
phases of classical liquid crystals, according to their
broken symmetries [52]. For instance, one can imag-
ine a phase that breaks rotational symmetry (or, in a
crystal, the point group symmetry) but not transla-
tional symmetry, i.e. quantum (ground state) ana-
logues of nematic or hexatic liquidcrystalline phases.
Still more exotic phases, such as those with ground
state orbital currents [53–58] or topological order
[59], have also been suggested as the explanation for
various observed features of the phenomenology of
the high temperature superconductors.
Competition matters. . .
Given the complex character of the phase diagram of
highly correlatedelectrons,it is clear thatthe conven-
tional approach to superconductivity,which focuses
solely on the properties of the normal metal and
the pure superconducting phase, is suspect. A more
global approach, which takes into account some (or
all) of the competing phases is called for. Moreover,
even the term “competing” carries with it a preju-
dice that must not be accepted without thought. In a
weakly correlated system, in which any low temper-
ature ordered state occurs as a Fermi surface insta-
bility, different orders generally do compete: if one
order produces a gap on part of the Fermi surface,
there are fewer remaining low energy degrees of free-
dom to participate in the formation of another type
of order.
For highly correlated electrons, however, the sign of
the interaction between different types of order is
less clear. It can happen [60] that under one set of
circumstances, a given order tends to enhance su-
perconductivity and under others, to suppress it.
The issue of competing orders, of course, is not
new. In a Fermi liquid, strong effective attractions
typically lead to lattice instabilities, charge or spin
density wave order, etc. Here the problem is that the
system either becomes an insulator or, if it remains
metallic,the residual attraction is typically weak.For
instance,lattice instability has been seen to limit the
superconducting transition temperature of the A15
compounds, the high temperature superconductors
of a previous generation. Indeed, the previous gen-
eration of BCS based theories which addressed the
issue always concluded that competing orders sup-
press superconductivity [44].
More recently it has been argued that near an
instability to an ordered state there is a low lying
collective mode (the incipient Goldstone mode of
the ordered phase) which can play the role of the
phonon in a BCS-likemechanism of superconductiv-
ity [29,61,62].Inan interesting variant of this idea, it
has been argued that in the neighborhood of a zero
temperature transition to an ordered phase, quan-
tum critical fluctuations can mediate superconduct-
ing pairing in a more or less traditional way [63–65].
There are reasons to expect this type of fluctuation
mediated pair binding to lead to a depression of T
If the collective modes are nearly Goldstone modes
(as opposed to relaxational “critical modes”), gen-
eral considerations governing the couplings of such
modes in the ordered phase imply that the supercon-
ducting transition temperature is depressedsubstan-
tially from any naive estimate by large vertex correc-
tions [66]. Moreover,ina regime of large fluctuations
to a nearby ordered phase, one generally expects a
density of states reduction due to the development
of a pseudogap; feeding this pseudogapped density
of states back into the BCS-Eliashberg theory will
again result in a significant reduction of T