1200 M. Lang and J. M¨uller
Aspin-fluctuationmediatedd-wave supercon-
ducting state has been found also by several other
approaches including FLEX, perturbation theory
or quantum Monte Carlo simulation applied to
X [315–318] or the quasi-one-dimensional
X salts [317,319].In [320] and [319] an expla-
nation for the pseudogap behavior at elevated tem-
peratures T
has been proposed in terms of strong
antiferromagnetic spin-fluctuations.
While the starting point of the above models is
in the limit of strong correlations,i.e. near the Mott-
insulating state, a somewhat different viewpoint is
taken in the work by Louati et al. [321]. These au-
thors studied the effect of spin fluctuations in a two-
dimensional model in the weak correlation regime
by varying the bandwidth and the nesting prop-
erties of the Fermi surface. They argued that spin
fluctuations are enhanced by the good nesting prop-
erties which may account for the anomalous NMR
relaxation rate observed at temperatures T
in the -(ET)
]Br salt. Furthermore
they found that spin fluctuations can induce a su-
perconducting coupling with d-wave symmetry that
lies next to a spin-density-wave instability [321].
The above models address systems at half filling,
which is realized in the dimerized -phase (ET)
and (TMTSF)
X salts, suggesting spin-fluctuation-
mediated superconductivity with a d
try. A different scenario has been proposed for the
and ˇ
structures [322]. Here the ET molecules
are not dimerized which results in a quarter-filled
hole band. In this case, a nearby insulating phase
is believed to be due to a charge ordering, driven
by strong inter-site Coulomb correlations.Applying
slave-boson theory to an extended Hubbard model
at quarter filling, superconductivity mediated by
charge fluctuations has been found. This results in a
symmetry of the superconducting state [322] as
opposed to the d
symmetry for the above spin-
fluctuation mechanism.
Experiments Probing the Superconducting State
On the experimental side, the determination of the
actual pairing mechanism is a most difficult task as
there is no decisive probe to pin down the relevant
pairing interaction. There are, however, some crucial
experiments which may help to delineate the various
possibilities.Investigatingthe mass-isotope effect on
is such a key experiment. Another one is to study
the phonon system to probe the role of electron–
phonon interactions. If phonons are involved in the
pairing interaction this would result in renormal-
ization effects in the temperature dependences of
the phonon frequencies and linewidths upon cooling
through T
. Likewise, if a non-phononic mechanism
is at work leading to an anisotropic gap with nodes
along certain directions on the Fermi surface, a de-
termination of the orientation of the gap zeroes by
angular-dependent measurements can provide im-
portant information on the pairing mechanism.
For classical phonon-mediated superconductors
the gap amplitude (k) is assumed to be isotropic
or at least to have an isotropic component combined
with a k-dependent part which obeys all symmetries
of the crystal lattice. In contrast to such a conven-
tional “finite-gap” state, the above mentioned elec-
tronic coupling schemes lead to a pairing state with
higher angular momentum where L =2(d-wave) be-
ing the most favored one.In this case the amplitude of
the Cooper-pair wave function vanishes at the origin
of the relative coordinatewhich keepsthe constituent
quasiparticles of the Cooper pair apart. Therefore,
L = 0 pairing states are good candidates for materi-
als with strong on-site Coulomb repulsion. The gap-
function of such an L =0statehasak-dependence
which is given by the spherical harmonics of the
same angular momentum. For those states where
the (k) functions vanish at certain k-vectors at the
Fermi surface, the quasiparticle excitation spectrum
at low energies is markedly different from that of
an isotropic finite gap state. For the above d-wave
order parameter (k)=
zero crossings along the diagonals correspond to line
nodes at the Fermi surface. This should be reflected
in all quantities that depend on the number of ther-
mally excited quasiparticles such as specific heat,
NMR relaxation rate, magnetic penetration depth,
etc. in the form of simple power-law dependences
at sufficiently low temperatures. In contrast, an ex-
ponentially weak T-dependence in these quantities
characterizes an isotropic non-vanishing order pa-