1260 E.W. Carlson et al.
of matter; for this reason, and others which will be
madeclear below,itis our opinionthattheseideasare
probably not applicable to the cuprate superconduc-
tors. The discussion in this section is therefore some-
what disconnected from the development in the rest
of thepaper.We merely sketch the central ideas,with-
out providing any derivations.There are a number of
recent papers dealing with this subject to which the
interested reader can refer; see [77,80,182,212,213].
21.7.1 RVB and Spin-Charge Separation in Two
Immediately following the discovery of high temper-
ature superconductivity [2], Anderson proposed [5]
that the key to the problem lay in the occurrence of a
neverbefore documentedstateof matter(in D > 1),a
spin liquid or“resonating valence bond”(RVB) state,
related to a state he originally proposed [214] for
quantum antiferromagnets on a triangular (or sim-
ilarly frustrating) lattice. In this context [80], a spin
liquidis defined to be aninsulatingstate with an odd
number of electrons per unit cell (and a charge gap)
which breaks neither spin rotational nor transla-
tional symmetry. Building on this proposal,Kivelson,
Rokhsar, and Sethna [69] showed that a consequence
of the existence of such a spin liquid state is that
there exist quasiparticles with reversed charge spin
relations, just like the solitons in the 1DEG discussed
in Sect. 21.5, above. Specifically, there exist charge 0
spin 1/2 “spinons” and charge e spin 0 “holons.” In-
deed, these quasiparticles were recognized as having
a topological character [69, 215] analogous to that
of the Laughlin quasiparticles in the quantum Hall
There was a debate at the time concerning the
proper exchange statistics, with proposals presented
identifying the holon as a boson [68,69], a fermion
[216],and a semion [217].Itis now clear that all sides
of this debate were correct, in the sense that there is
no universal answer to the question. The statistics
of the fractionalized quasiparticles is dynamically
determined, and is sensitive to a form of “topolog-
ical order” [59,78,212,216,218] which differentiates
various spin liquids. There are even transitions be-
tween states in which the holon has different statis-
tics [218,219].
Two features of this proposal are particularly at-
It is possible to envisage a high pairing scale in the
Mott insulating parent state, since the strong repul-
sive interactions between electrons, which result in
the insulating behavior,are insensitive to any subtler
correlations between electrons. Thus, the “
does not arise: the spin liquidcan be viewed as an in-
sulating liquid of preformed cooper pairs [5,69,70],
or equivalently a superconductor with zero super-
fluid density.
If this pairing scale is somehow pre-
served upon doping, then the transition tempera-
ture of the doped system is determined by superfluid
stiffness and is not limited by a low pairing scale, as
it would be in a BCS superconductor. Indeed, as in
Sect. 21.5, pairing becomes primarily a property of
the spin degrees of freedom, and involves little or no
pairing of actual charge.
When the holons are bosonic, their density directly
determines the superfluid density. Thus the super-
conducting T
can be crudely viewed as the Bose
condensation temperature of the holons. The result
is that for small concentration of doped holes x [5],
the transition temperature is proportional to a pos-
itive power of x (presumably [69] T
∼ x in 2D), in
contrast to the exponential dependence on parame-
ters in a BCS superconductor.
In short, many of the same features that would
make a quasi-1D system attractive from the point
of view of high temperature superconductivity (see
Sects. 21.5 and 21.10) would make a doped spin liq-
uid even more attractive. However, there are both
theoretical and phenomenological reasons for dis-
counting this idea in the context of the cuprates.
An oxymoron since in this case T
= T
= 0, but the intuitive notion is clear: we refer to a state which is derived from
a superconductor by taking the limit of zero superfluid density while holding the pairing scale fixed.