1306 E.W. Carlson et al.
There are two important consequences of this term.
Firstly, the system can lower its energy by locking
the ordering vectors of the spin and charge density
wave components of the order, such that the period
of the spin order is twice that of the charge order. At
order parameter level, is the origin of the antiphase
character of the stripe order.
Secondly,because this
term is linear in ,it means that if there is spin order,
< S
be charge order,
>= 0, although the converse is not true.
The Landau theory also allows us to distinguish
three macroscopically distinct scenarios for the on-
set of stripe order. If charge order onsets at a higher
critical temperature, and spin order either does not
occur, or onsets at a lower critical temperature, the
stripe order can be called“charge driven.”If spin and
charge order onset at the same critical temperature,
but the charge order is parasitic, in the sense that
>∼< S
, the stripe order is “spin driven.”
Finally,if chargeand spinorderonsetsimultaneously
by a first order transition, the stripe order is driven
by the symbiosis between charge and spin order.This
is discussed in more detail in [45].
The antiphase nature of the stripes was first pre-
dicted by the Hartree–Fock theory and has been
confirmed as being the most probable outcome in
various later, more detailed studies of the problem
[350,409,410,441]. In this case, the spin texture un-
dergoes a phase shift across every charge stripe,
so that every other spin stripe has the opposite N´eel
vector, canceling out any magnetic intensity at the
commensurate wavevector, < , >.Thissituation
[442,443] has been called “topological doping.”And,
indeed, the predicted factor of two ratio between the
spin and chargeperiodicities has been observedin all
well established experimental realizations of stripe
order in doped antiferromagnets [47]. Still, it is im-
portant to remember that nontopological stripes are
also a logical possibility [409,410,433,440,444,445],
and we should keep our eyes open for this form of
order, as well.
The Coulomb interaction sets the stripe spacing.
In the context of frustrated phase separation, the
formation of inhomogeneous structures is predom-
inantly a statement about the charge density, and
its scale is set by the Coulomb interaction. This has
several implications. Firstly, this means that charge
stripes may begin to self-organize (at least locally)
at relatively high temperatures, i.e. they are charge
driven in the sense described above.
charge density wave order always couples linearly to
lattice distortions, so we should expect dramatic sig-
natures of stripe formationto show up in the phonon
spectrum. Indeed, phonons may significantly affect
the energetics of stripe formation [446]. Thirdly, al-
though we are used to thinking of density wave states
as insulating, or at least as having a dramatically re-
duced density of states at the Fermi energy, this is
not necessarily true.
Competition sets the hole concentration on a stripe.
termined primarily by the competition between the
Coulomb interaction and the local tendency to phase
separation,the linear hole density per site along each
stripe can vary as a function of x and consequently
there is no reason to expect the Fermi energy to lie in
a gap or pseudogap.In essence,stripes may be intrin-
sically metallic, or even superconducting. Moreover,
such compressible stripes are highly prone to lattice
commensurability effectswhich tend to pintheinter-
stripe spacing at commensurate values.Conversely,if
the stripes are a consequence of some sort of Fermi
surface nesting, as is the case in the Hartree-Fock
studies [405,408,447] of stripe formation,the stripe
In the context of Landau–Ginzberg theory, the situation is somewhat more complex, and whether the spin and charge
order have this relation, or have the same period turns out to depend on short distance physics, see footnote 36
and [440].
Here, we exclude the possibility of perfectly circular spiral spin order, in which Re{< S >}·Im{< S >} =0and
[Re{< S >}]
=[Im{< S >}]
For example, an analogous Landau theory of stripes near the N´eel state must include the order parameter S
favors in-phase domain walls [440].
In Hartree-Fock theory, stripes are spin driven.