19 Heavy-Fermion Superconductivity 1045
Collective Excitations
Since the normal states of heavy-fermion materials
are characterized by a large quasi-particle density of
states near the Fermi-level, they are susceptible to
entropy-driven instabilities, which reduce the den-
sity of states at the Fermi energy. This tendency is
manifested by the sensitivity of the normal state to
small amounts of added impurities that can lead to
an instability towards states with spontaneously bro-
ken symmetries. If the interactions are short-ranged
and the symmetry that is broken is continuous,Gold-
stone’s theorem [88] is valid. Goldstone’s theorem
ensures that the system will support a branch of
collective excitations with a zero threshold energy
that dynamically restores the spontaneously broken
symmetry.The order parameter acts as the collective
coordinate for the zero energy collective excitations.
≈ 0 in a ferromagnet,the anti-
ferromagnetic spin-waves near the critical wave vec-
tor(s) Q
, and the transverse sound waves in a peri-
odic solid, form well known examples of these Gold-
stone collective modes. Similar boson-like collective
excitations are expected to occur in the disordered
or high temperature state as precursors to the insta-
bilities. In the disordered state, these boson modes
are expected to have extremely long lifetimes and
have excitation spectra that form broad continua. A
well known example of these precursor modes is pro-
vided by the paramagnon fluctuations in Pd, which
occur as Pd is very close to an instability to a fer-
romagnetic state [89–91]. It is expected that, as the
temperature is lowered through the instability,these
pre-criticalmodes will merge together with the criti-
cal fluctuationsand,eventually,the (Goldstone) spin-
wave modes will emerge in the orderedstate.There is
a growing body of evidence that suggests that heavy-
ical point, implying that the system supports large
amplitude critical fluctuations due to a nearby T =0
phase transition. One expects that the properties of
the material should show scaling behavior due to
the quantum critical point. The critical fluctuations
near a quantum critical point are expected to have
a different nature than those associated with a fi-
nite temperature transition as they cannot be treated
classically [73–75]. The zero-point quantum fluctu-
ations replace the role of the thermally-driven fluc-
tuations. Since the dynamics are inextricably linked
to the statics at a quantum critical point, the phase
space of the magnetic fluctuations is given by (!, k
If the characteristic frequency scales as
is the magnetic correlation length and z is the dy-
namical exponent, then the effective dimensionality
of the phase space for a T =0quantumcriticalpoint
is given by d
= d +z. Hence, as the effective dimen-
sionality d
differs from the dimensionality d of the
classical critical point, one expects to find different
types of scaling relations at a quantum critical point.
critical fluctuations is an actively ongoing field of
The simplest starting point for these theories of
the collective spin-fluctuation modes lies in the ran-
dom phase approximation (RPA) [92,93]. The RPA is
the crudest approximation that captures the physics
of the Gaussian fluctuationsand is most certainly ex-
pected to fail near the quantum criticalpoint.In most
approaches, one assumes that the Coulomb interac-
tion is highly screened, and this results in a Hubbard
point contact interaction U between electrons of op-
posite spins.Within the quasi-particle treatment,the
band energies e(k
) should be replaced by the quasi-
particle energies E
, and the interaction should be
expressed in terms of the Landau Fermi-liquid pa-
rameters.However,we shall,in the rest of this section,
be consistent with the usual formulation of RPA as a
one parameter Fermi liquid, in which the interaction
between the quasi-particles is denoted by U.Since we
shallneglect the vertex corrections to thesusceptibil-
ity, we shall also suppress all the factors of Z
it is true that Fermi liquid correctionsshould renor-
malize U to UZ
. Although the results are derived
on the basis of a one band Hubbard model, they can
easily be extended to a two band or Anderson Lat-
tice model [94]. The transverse susceptibilities are
expressed in terms of multiple scattering processes
involving an up-spin electron with a down-spin hole
shown in Fig. 19.12 [92,93], yielding
(q; !)=
(q; !)
(q; !) ,