1064 P.S. Riseborough,G.M. Schmiedeshoff,and J.L.Smith
Fig. 19.24. The quasi-particle density of states
selected triplet p-wave superconducting states,in the clean
limit. The density of states of the BW phase is identical
to that of the BCS s-wave phase. The ABM phase and polar
phases havestates below
.TheABM or axial state shows a
quadratic energy dependence for energies below
the polar state has a linear energy dependence
Fermi surface.The quasi-particledensity ofstates for
the triplet BW, ABM, and polar states are shown in
Fig. 19.24. The low-energy behavior of these quasi-
particle density of states are quite distinct, having
different power law dependences in E. The different
power laws are due to the differences in the node
structure of the superconducting gap. These power
law dependences may be expected to show up in ther-
modynamic properties far below T
, albeit modified
by the effects of impurity scattering and collective
Pair Breaking Impurities
In an s-wave superconductor, the effect of non-
magnetic impuritiesis minimal
and results in a pair
weakening effect, which can be absorbed into a re-
duction of the pairing potential or density of states.
Anderson’s theorem [151],whichdescribes the effect
of non-magnetic impurities in s-wave superconduc-
tors, can be stated as,“A static external perturbation,
that neither breaks time reversal invariance nor pro-
duces a spatial variation of the order parameter,does
not produce a change in the thermodynamic proper-
ties of a superconductor.”Since the order parameters
of anisotropic superconductors are inhomogeneous,
Anderson’s theorem no longer applies and the effect
of impurities is analogous to that of magnetic impu-
ritiesin s-wave superconductors[152,153].Theanal-
ogy is complete in that significant concentrations of
impurities may produce significant changes in the
low-energy density of states leading to the removal of
any remaining gaps. The changes in the low-energy
variation of the quasi-particle density of states lead
to variances in the power law temperature depen-
dences expected from analysis of the simple node
structures of clean materials [154–156].
The types of effect caused by non-magnetic im-
purities in anisotropic superconductors can be seen
by examining the density of states in the supercon-
ducting state in which the impurity potential, U
short-ranged and is treated as a small perturbation.
The density of states can be obtained from the trace
of the Green’s function in the superconducting state.
To treat the pairing in the superconducting state,one
introduces the four by four matrix Green’s function
; ) describing the four component fields, via
; )=−
< |
T¦ (k
, )¦
(k, 0)| >, (19.86)
T is Wick’s time ordering operator.The upper
and lower two by two diagonal blocks have matrix
elements that are related to the usual Green’s func-
(k, k
; )=−
< |
(0)| >.(19.87)
The upper and lower two by two off-diagonal blocks
represent the anomalous Green’s functions, as intro-
duced by Gor’kov [157].The elements of the anoma-
lous Green’s functions are written as
The variation of T
for Sn with a concentration of In impurities was studied by Coles [150]. The T
showed a sharp
initial drop which saturated for In concentrations of about 2%. The initial drop of T
is attributed to the impurities
destroying the anisotropy of the Fermi surface. This is not a violation of Anderson’s theorem since it strictly only
applies to systems with isotropic Fermi surfaces. The almost constant value of T
which is found for In concentrations
greater than 2% is a verification of Anderson’s theorem.