19 Heavy-Fermion Superconductivity 1071
on the degeneracy, N, of the ground state magnetic
configuration.For large degeneracies,the relative en-
hancement or Wilson ratio is simply N/(N −1).Al-
though the Wilson ratio and the scaling property of
the Kondo impurity model are in reasonable agree-
ment with experimental results on dilute Ce systems,
Nozi`eres has questioned whether the results of the
simple Kondo model can be directly applied to con-
centrated Ce compounds [169]. In particular, in the
Kondo model the screening of a local moment only
involveselectrons within k
of theFermi-level.For
a concentrated compound in which the moments on
each f ion are screened by a number of conduction
electrons localized around each of them, the number
of conduction electrons required for screening is far
greater than the number k
() allowedfor by the
solution of the single impurity model.If instead,one
assumes that the screening electrons remain itiner-
ant and only form a resonance instead of a bound
state, the spinflip interaction of the conduction elec-
trons with the local moments may still produce a
non-magnetic state in which the local moments are
slowly fluctuating. That is, Nozi`eres argument does
not apply if the conduction electrons responsible for
the screening remain itinerant [170].In thiscase,one
must abandon the purely local description at suffi-
ciently low temperatures.
It is more likely that the Kondo paradigm con-
tains the generic physics of local electronic cor-
relations observed in the heavy-fermion materi-
als. This has lent credence by the recent discovery,
based on the infinitedimensional limit d →∞,that
strongly correlated metals can have physical proper-
ties which qualitatively resemble those of localized
magnetic impurities [171–173]. The limit d →∞
of most many-body models is usually exactly sol-
uble via mean-field theory and can be scaled such
that it can be exactly mapped onto a non-trivial
effective local impurity model. In the resulting dy-
namical mean-field theory, the local fluctuations on
the neighboring lattice sites are treated as being
governed by an effective single-impurity Anderson
model in which the hybridization to the conduction
electron density of states has to be determined self-
consistently [174,175]. This theoretical approach is
more promising than that of the single impurity
Kondo model, as it decouples the temperature scale
of the resonant magnetic scattering in the high tem-
perature regime, and the temperature scale below
which the low temperature Fermi liquid forms [176].
In addition to the questions posed by Nozi`eres, it is
quite unclear how the U compounds could be di-
rectly described by simple Kondo impurity models
in which the 5f states are assigned as belonging to a
uniquemagnetic configurations.It seems morelikely
that the U systems may be described by more gen-
eral many-bodymodels such asmulti-bandHubbard
models, which may also be described by dynamical
mean-field theory. The application of dynamical
mean-field theory to heavy-fermion systems is lim-
ited by its failure to describe non-local correlations.
As dynamical mean-field theory omits the effect of
non-local spin-fluctuations,and as quantum critical
points occur when the non-local magnetic correla-
tions dominate over the local spin-fluctuations [90],
dynamical mean-field theory is expected to be inad-
equate close to quantum critical points.
For some heavy-fermion compounds, the charac-
teristic temperatures T
inferred from thermody-
namic, transport, magnetic and other spectroscopic
probes, are quite consistent. However, even for these
systems, the low temperature thermodynamic prop-
erties do show the existence of other low-energy
scales that are often attributed either to Fermi liq-
uid formation or the onset of spatial coherence or
spatial magnetic correlations. In the quantum criti-
cal point description, this coherence temperature is
identified as the cross-over temperature at which the
physics of the quantumcritical point gives way to the
physics of the Fermi liquid fixed point [177,178].In
a phase space that is extended, as for instance when
pressure is applied, the line of cross-over points is
experimentally accessible since physical quantities
should exhibit extrema on parallel lines. The phe-
nomenon of coherence is most clearly manifested in
transport phenomena, though it does also show up
directly in high resolution spectroscopic measure-
ments on single crystals [179]. The phenomenon of
coherence falls beyond the scope of the exactly sol-
uble single-impurity Kondo models or dynamical
mean-field theory and, therefore, still lacks an ad-
equate theoretical description.